Lexine frowned as she looked down at the bag in her hand. How did she get into this situation in the first place? After the duels, they had gone back to the house where Quira had packed up a few extra clothes for them into the backpack. Apparently, they were forbidden to use the walking wardrobe outside the academy walls for this training.

Quira had told her that the backpack she carried was perfect to fit clothes for both of them. Apparently, the bags they used were not good enough to store clothes and Quira had not brought any small bags with her when she came from home. The walking wardrobe did not have a setting for any type of bag, so it was useless to try to get a bag from it.

The bag she had were best for carrying large luggage and weapons. Lexine did not understand how she did not have even one small bag of her own. However, she still allowed Quira to place her clothes with hers.