Albus and I were outside seeing who had the best Gameboy run till date. Those devices were already old when we were born and now seeing them felt like they were the most modern equipment till date. We were going on about those and that's when I heard some movement in the bushes by the society gate, I signaled Albus to shut up and he, after seeing my expression, also quieted down.

I said to him in a whisper, "I'll check it out stay here if I call then come weapons drawn".

I opened the gate in the quietest way possible and stepped out. I was nervous because this couldn't be a zombie as those thing had good noses on them and we had the door closed so they couldn't possibly get in the society.

I stepped out on to the pavement and I saw our neighbor's door open. I raised my spear made of a broom handle and kept it at a mark while bending in a small crouch. I stepped in the house to find a woman rummaging through the pantry and quite hastily. The woman had brown hair and was at least half a foot shorter than me. I had learned to not let size fool you though... gran could pack a huge punch for someone that small.

I said in an audible voice,"You won't find anything in there".

The lady turned around and I noticed that she had quite an attractive, young face, still full of energy and life which was quite rare these days.

Her hazel eyes fixed on the tip of my spear and then to my eyes she said," I'm assuming that you were the one who cleaned this house of anything useful".

"Guilty" I replied.

Her eyes fluxed towards a point on my right and I turned and swished my spear as low and as fast as possible there was a single quite buff raven haired and holding a rifle behind me as I crouched the man didn't even remove his eyes from where I had been standing as my spear connected with his feet they were swept off of the ground and he hung in the air for a second and began his descend towards the ground as I stood up and levelled the spear against his head.

"Crap, how did he move that fast!" The man exclaimed.

'Experience bitch! Now you explain!' I said while looking at the girl.

'I will if you would just put the damn spear down and listen, but first do you have somewhere safe to go?'

I took the girl back to the house leaving her guard back at the neighbors. She walked in through the gates Albus lifted an eyebrow at me I shrugged it off and led her into the house we called out gran and I explained what happened at the house to them.

She introduced herself as Carly and explained everything, she was a part of military, on asking about her age she replied that though she was not a soldier her father was a high ranking officer.

'There are still military bases active?' gran asked.

'Oh yes, but they operate silently to keep alive what people we have,' Carly replied.

She tried to explain further when a high scream pierced our ears I gave a glance towards Carly and we both ran outside to investigate with Albus hot on our trail.

We saw Carly bodyguard lying on the ground while four zeds devoured the man alive, he was thrashing around on the ground to try and get away still there was no way he could. I saw up and down the street, from each sides the screams had attracted the attention of the undead.

I drew my spear and stabbed the first one in the head and it fell on flat on the soldier. The second one tried to grab me but I stepped back blocking the blow with my spear. The creature charged in the middle cracking my weapon.

I smacked its side with it and it broke into two. I quickly stabbed the thing into the side of what used to be an office going man in his head.

Meanwhile Carly and Albus had taken down the other two. Carly, as it turned out could wield a machete to save her life, behind her Albus was panting a little.

'Damn it!' Carly sweard, 'How the hell am I going to get back to the base now?'

'Lets just get in the house for now 'its not safe out','


I walked out to see gran in the balcony standing leaning on the rails looking out into the sea of red, glowing eyes of the zed. I stood by her side, she looked me up and down still wearing all my gear, having replaced my spear with a long knife.

'Kind of makes you wonder doesn't it? All this death, I wish you two could have had a normal future I wish you could,' gran said in an exasperated voice.

'Where are you going with this gran?'

She took in a long breath before replying,'I think we should go with Carly.'
