I stared at my gran in shock and a little bit of suprise. She was the lady who had said to not go out after the dark and if you are stuck find a safe place to stay and see for possible escapes.

I was not able to comprehend the single fact that she was trying to convince us to leave all of the safe and reliable equipment we had here and go on a hilly-billy adventure.

"What?" I asked as that was the only thing I could find.

"Well yes," she replied, "I don't know what's wrong with that plan."

"What's wrong with it is that we could die!" I replied trying to bring her back to her senses.

"Liam, honey, you don't understand, we don't have enough food even in the markets now! We can't stay here we have to move eventually we shouldn't just wait here and let ourselves starve, we could go with her. If there is a base that has survived then we could live there make it a possible home!" she said with a sigh.

Albus trotted inside the room, "Carly's asleep on the couch-" He stopped mid sentence giving us a confused look after seeing our expressions, "what's happened?" He asked.

I looked at him and said,"she wants us to leave!"

He gave us a thoughtful look and said, "Well I agree with her."

I had the most dumbfounded look on my face, they both stared at me in unison and I struggled coming up with an argument.

I left the room and went up to the roof with a candle lit up. I sat under the sky full of stars which had cleared up by far due to the absence of unnecessary light.

I gazed at the stars and looked at the street about a hundred or so feet away I saw them, a whole bunch of zombies. They were supposed to be dumb, idiots who can't climb even stairs.

Just a small part of me argued though you could see whatever intelligence they still possessed, they moved silently in the night, be it clumsily. They didn't groan or make a sound until they saw a prey, it would be scream city after that.

Just as I was thinking this a man ran across the street where he tripped and fell, the cans from his bag rolling on the ground as on cue the red, glowing torch-like eyes focused on him they gave a guttural groan and shuffled towards him he got up and started to run as he was bitten on his neck by the zombie.

He tried to scream but he couldn't, soon all the zombies gathered around him still trying to devour the man alive.

I stared in horror. I could not have done anything but watch, as anything else and my location would have been disclosed. It was truly in that moment when I decided what I wanted to do, what I had to do.

I vowed that I would keep my family safe, and I didn't even know what to do to just survive right now. I stared at the sky and the crescent moon, my eyes started to tear up at my anger, my sorrow, the unfairness of it all. I sunk down to my knees and I punched the ground at the realisation that I couldn't do anything about this I punched the ground again and once more before I heard it. There was a small static, kind of a crackle noise. I witnessed the ground and my knuckle, there was a scorch mark on the ground and soot on my knuckle.

I heard the door open and someone walked in, I glanced back and saw Carly behind me. "You should be asleep right now" I said in a whisper.

" I can't sleep I see his face in front of me every single time I close my eyes."

"I really am sorry about that" I said apologizing.

"I know it's not your fault" she said coming to sit next to me.

She shivered a bit in the cold October air. I took off my jacket putting it around her, she smiled and said in a cheerful voice, "I thought chivalry was dead."

I chuckled before asking, "So what are your plans now."

"A first would be getting warmer clothes. But I think I'll head back to the base, grab a working car or something and just out the rest of the days."

"Well you might now be going alone" I said.