The four of us packed our bags for the travel to the military base. It was supposedly two to three days worth of travel Carly had said. Of course that was supposed to be in optimum condition.

I advised gran and Albus to pack light for travel, of course my advice was ignored to the wells. I would have liked to think that packing essentials took us a maximum of half an hour but a whole day was wasted in weeding out the essentials from the trash.

Mid-sorting Carly got up with a small, frustrated growl when gran and Albus were arguing about whether he would need ten underpants. It took me a while to explain it won't bother us if he decided to go commando.

On night duty it was me and Albus outside, 'This is it!' I said.

'Guess so', Albus retorted.

'No looking back now,' I continued

Albus just gave a slow shake of his head. 'Come on doesn't it bother you were probably never gonna be here again!' I began heatedly.

He looked at me with a tired look before saying,'It does not matter Liam, if what Carly says it the truth then, I don't know, it just seems as though it would be best if we head on out.'

'Ok then, make a pact, yeah let's make a blood pact!'

'Saying what?'

'Sating that if we are unwelcome there, if any of us are unwelcome there, we leave, we leave don't look back and head straight back here, if the food runs out we will go ahead find a new place.'

'And how long do you plan for us to be on the run Liam, gran is not in the best shape, we can't be running off to places like it's just the two of us.'

'We will figure something out, we always do.'

I remove up my Swiss army knife and make a cut on my palm without hesitation. I look at Albus.

He extends his arm with a sigh, I make a cut and place my palm on his.

'Repeat after me,' I begin,'We swear to stick by each others side and make the decisions best for the three of us.'

As he finishes up the last words Carly comes up with saying,'What sissies' with an extremely judgemental look on her face.

I look at her with an exasperated expression. She snickers and makes herself comfy on the empty chair next by my side. We all sit in silence staring all around us in the pitch black darkness waiting for a sound, a hint of red glow, anything.

The sun peeked over the horizon, over the soot covered blackening buildings. Albus excused himself and went back in the house. It must've been a mere forty-five minutes when I hear an ear piercing shout.

My blood curdles as I recognize the source of the sound. I grab my spear and dash off towards it Carly following suit. I saw my gran outside the bathroom door with blood splattered on her face.