I stared in horror as I started to move forwards again, my gran with her face covered in blood,'Whats happened!?' I asked trying my best to stay calm and collected.

'Albus,' she managed to get out in a chocked whisper.

I looked at the door and started to knock on it, I heard the groans and sounds of retching coming from inside.

'Albus come on out!' I commanded getting my wits together and handing my spear to Carly, 'Go outside and check for infected if they are hanging around.'

She left at a jog. I looked towards my gran asking, 'How did you get blood on your face?'

'Albus,' she gave a little hiccup and continued, 'He started coughing up blood.'

My eyes glazed over as I had a sudden moment of realisation. I stood there as I understood what was really happening, I asked gran to go and take rest it it will be okay I'm here with him.

As she went out of sight I whispered softly, 'Albus, you're going to be okay, were her for you.'

'I think I'm about to fain-,' Albus managed to get out before I heard a faint thud inside of the bath.

I left the door in which I was sitting and got up to check on Carly, if I was right then Albus should be okay. She looked at me confused as one can be.

I looked at Carly for a second before saying,'The military base, you say, will it be safe?' I asked with a hint of hope.

'Yes, it has to be seeing as it's a military base,'she said with a downcast look.

'You do not sound so sure if you ask me.'

I went in to check up on Albus, I could hear a soft snore on the other side. I sat down leaning against the door muttering to no one in particular,'You'll be alright.'


The Morning After

I was woken up rudely by the door opening and me falling inside of the bathroom. I saw Albus's face looking down on my own.

'Everything alright?' I asked.

'Yeah just peachy' he said mockingly, as he was walking over me to get to gran.

'Where's gran and Carly?' he asked looking around.

'Gran is in her room and Carly-' I paused when I realised I had left Carly outside the whole night on her own.

I jog off there and go outside where I see Carly sitting with a cup of coffee in her hands and her brown hair tied up in a pony tail, as I was approaching me she glared at me and turned the other way.

'Hey look I'm sorry alright.' I called out.

'You should be!' she replied cuttingly.

As I got within a foot of her she leapt off and trotted inside the house. I scowled and sat down on the marble bench. It was a chilly morning, I recorded as I saw the sun rise up, up and above the tree line in the distance.

Watching the peaceful morning 8 wondered about my suspicion about Albus, was my blood the reason for his urgent sickness, I thought as my stomach convulsed at the thought that Albus' blood could have entered gran, but in that small concentration, could it even show any signs of being present.