Carly let out a small squeak and then everything went silent I looked at them and they were standing still with no noise, no movements from their side. I slowly turned back and saw the zed with a half melted face staggering towards me it was moving though barely fast enough to catch a running rat. I quickly grabbed my Swiss and jabbed the zed with it.

It fell down instantly and I got my sense of sound back. Gran and Carly were looking at me with a shocked expression. I looked to the left Albus was there with his eyes widened at this close call. Carly asked in a forced calm voice, "How did you do that?"

"Do what, he was behind me so I just turned around and stabbed him." I said because that is what happened.

"No it was not normal in the least you could not have turned around that fast." This time it was gran who spoke up.

"I don't know what you two are talking about, I saw it Liam just turned and stabbed him." Albus said.

"No! But he couldn't have turned around so fast!"

"He moved normally!"

"Shut up! Shut up, all of you, we are in a building full of God knows what you all are not getting into a yelling match now. Carly and gran can sleep first, Albus and I will take the first watch."

Not a sound was heard aside from the shuffling of fabric as gran and Carly lay down to sleep. An hour and a half later I checked and they were still out cold. I leaned over to Albus and said, "Did I really move at normal speed for you?"

"Yes you definitely did," he looked behind where the girls were sleeping and added as an after thought, "why couldn't they see it though?"

I gave a nervous expression before continuing to talk, "I mean you don't think that we are immune or anything do you?"

He gave a chuckle, "What!?"

"Keep it down man, and I am serious I do think that it is a real possibility. I got bit by a zombie and I did not....change, and then I had the official worst night of my life where I thought that I was gonna die and don't you remember," I said in a lower voice that I was using to finish the last part of my theory, "we even pierced our skin with the same knife and you also had the same symptoms that I did?"

When he continued to look skeptical I pushed the next part of my speech inside l, "We both had the same symptoms, the exact same ones, even if you do doubt the fact that we are immune you can who saw me move in a normal speed."

"Alright, let's say for argument's sake that we had changed whatever and however, when I had started my blood cough, I caught gran fully in the face why can she not see the same things we can?"

"Obviously because.." I paused I did not have an answer for this one, "because the concentration was not enough. Don't dismiss it think of it, she did seem a lot more alert and impulsive since we left the house, don't you remember she left you, oh it all makes sense now -"

"No it does not"! Albus said cutting me off, "Liam you cannot go fitting all of what's happening into one story!"

"Fitting in? Albus it fits in like a puzzle piece waiting to be joined in!" I continued in a voice of forced calm, "Look just hear me out if you say it's mundane I won't bring it up again."

"Fine." Albus said in a tired voice.

"Look ever since then gran also has been more active, she volunteered to check if the car was working, she got a Gun and shot a zombie through its damn head! If that's not enough proof already how about the fact that when you locked yourself in the bath she left to go to sleep because I asked her to!"

I waited as Albus took all of this into account, "I know it seems far fetched but think about it, yeah?"

"Sure, I will"



I know I'm late, but my classes have started and I'm more busy than ever studying new subjects. I'm gonna still make uploads as I'm loving the series and I also hope to introduce spice into the story... Thanks guys.