A/N: Hey, yo the new chapter is out people check it out and please vote, if you like the story so far comment if you have any suggestions and enjoy.


"Don't give up, do they?" I asked taking a sitting back on the seat.

"Not yet they won't but since we're going slowly they will, stop hearing us and leave our scent tail,"she looked at me again and said,"eventually."

"Is that why you are spraying that deodorant behind us every few minutes?" asked gran.

"Mhmm," she replied while checking herself in the sunshade's mirror, "We also have a small lab over there they had some infected brought in and they did some tests over there on them. We found out quite a lot actually."

We all waited in silence for her to continue and when she didn't Albus pressed on, "Care to share the findings?"

"Oh yeah, sorry." She said as she closed the sunshade, "Firstly the obvious they are incredibly durable, they resist any physical damage, even bullets unless you shoot it through a specific part of their brain, although that would work it is highly difficult for new soldiers-"

"I am sorry, new soldiers, what do you mean by that?"

"Well everyone there is required to do a job, any job, and we give a basic military training to everyone and we address them as soldiers."

"So you're 'Soldier Carly-'."

She looked at me for a moment with those sharp brown eyes digging into mine and then replied composedly, "No, I have been in the army for quite some time now so I am a private."

"You know gran used to be a sergeant."

"Really!?" Asked Carly excitedly.

Gran sighed and said, "Yeah, I was the smarts behind most of the operations, I used to make up most of our attack plans."

"Oh wow!" She said in awe, "Dad will be happy to see you he is a major and he has been looking to find someone to run the base with for quite a long time. I mean I help him but he's just looking for someone more experienced." She finished breathlessly.

"You were telling us about your findings."

"Huh? Oh yeah, so we teach them to aim for their backbones and necks, as they become paralysed, although, their head still try to bite you! Secondly fire does a lot of damage in a group but not the average flames. The best way to kill one it to decapitate one. The infected also reply to a bunch of various stimuli such as light, smell, sight and sound."

"They have a strong sense of smell, blurey vision, probably there's no way of knowing for sure, and they head towards familiar sound, they also don't usually like light some are okay with it and some try to seek shelter, what's interesting is though that they all dislike the sun to some extent."

We all thought about the informational bomb that Carly had dropped on us, when gran incurred, "What did you mean familiar sound?"

"The sound of anything alive, they goes after alive sounds we are still not sure how it differentiates but if there is a rustle of a leaf, or the sound of a creek, they are completely unresponsive but walk too loudly and they are upon you."

It was early afternoon still and we were still going we all got an MRE out and shared one pack it was supposed to last a single person a whole day but four for one meal works, we switched seats and Carly offered to drive, I called shotgun with a grinning face from Albus.

We had barely travelled for an hour when Carly got a shaker out of her bag and took out a lemon drink packet, as she was trying to open the bag with one hand and holding the steering with the other, I said, "Do you want any help?"

"No, I am doing fine."

"Okay just asking?"

As she dropped the pack and bent down to pick it up a zed came up out of nowhere and latched itself onto my window, it was waving it's hand madly inside the cabin trying to reach me, "Carly!" Albus cried from his seat.

She got up and tried to shake the zed off with some sharp turns the zeds bloodied hand grasped onto my shirt and it pulled me closer to itself when there was a loud bang and a thud. The zed had dropped down from there I glanced outside to see it gurgling in a pool of thick congealed blood. I looked at Carly assuming that she was the one who shot the bullet, I was wrong, she was, just like Albus staring at gran. I looked and there she was holding up a handgun aimed towards the window.

I gave a relieved sigh and sunk back into the seat. Carly was still staring at gran her mouth open in awe. We all just waited for someone to break the silence for the next five minutes and when no-one did, Carly started the vehicle and we started the drive again. After a couple of minutes Albus asked, "We thought you had a strict no gun policy.''

She grinned to this and said, "I never said that it applied to me."

Albus countered, "I think that we will be trained how to use weapons at the base," he looked towards Carly before adding, "right?"

"Oh definitely, you'll also have a close range military combat training but if I write a note for you you may be able to skip it with just an exam, I mean I've seen enough that you two can handle yourself."

"Excuse me 'yourself' who are you talking about!"

"Well, Liam." She said as if obvious.

"What about me?" He asked indignantly.

"I'm sorry, I haven't seen you in hand to hand combat are you any good?"

"I'm not bad!" he whined.

"Alright we are about to reach the building I used as a camp when I came here ,maybe we'll spar then?"

"Oh you bet!"

Another hour or two passed in which the only break we took was to fill the van up with fuel. We should have had enough fuel to reach the base without any trouble.

On reaching the building Carly drew out a pistol and held it in both hands, she checked it's magazine and moved on she took the stairs with the three of us following in close proximity.

On reaching the third floor she pulled out a set of keys from the side of her bag and fit them in a padlock on the door. The padlock opened up with a satisfying click. All of us walked into the dark the and into musky room, it was a large living room which must once have had been quite lavish.

There was a couch, a huge flat screen TV, some dried up plants in white tasteful pots , three doors which looked like the undisturbed like the dusty neglected living room, there were windows that spanned from the ceiling to the ground on the east of the apartment. All in all not a shabby place.

Two rolled up sleeping bags were put neatly in a corner, "Matt and I left some supplies everywhere we went, for convenience." I assumed by the sadness in her voice Matt was the bodyguard she had shown up with. I shrugged it of, for me this was a defence mechanism.

All of us had lost so much, so many, so fast, it would destroy anyone if they kept thinking of it. I kept away from all that had happened and focused on all that can happen. Just then I heard a guttural growl close enough to raise my hair.