"No way! You're kidding me, right?"

He just gave me a blank look which clearly stated that I was the one who was wrong and needed to re-evaluate several life choices which have led to this moment, to summarise, it was not a pleasant look.

"Yeah that seems right actually I already was sleep deprived."

"Gran took a bunch of classes I see. Huh, if you ask me, she's feeling a lot more active"

"Damnit, not this again," he looked at me like he was the one who needed that one-day nap.

"You said it yourself that it was a possibility."

"I will think about it just I need a bit more time."

We saw a bunch of trainees go around when he said that he will also need to go and participate in the jog, when a booming laugh and an order-like statement that made me look around, which was unusual, "You don't have to go if you don't want to, sonny."

Turning around I saw the presumed head of the base who was accompanied by gran, both seemed to be around the same age, he was a tad taller than her. They shared a smile, he had a slight protruding belly aside from which he was relatively fit, he was a balding man with a pipe in his mouth clenched between his shining white teeth.

He glanced at gran and then he looked at me, "I assume you are Liam."

"Great assumption." I said in obvious sarcasm, something that he seemed to either overlook or miss.

"So, you're the heavy sleeper, have you seen around?"

"Yeah Carly has-"

"Let's go I'll show you the ropes!"

Okay, guess we're doing this. He put an arm around my shoulder at which I gave a groan, he steered me towards the kitchen, "I just need to grab a slice of bread if you don't mind, haven't eaten properly since all of you showed up."

I raised my eyebrow, "And what do you mean by that?"

"Oh don't take it the wrong way, it's just she had left with her body guard and she came back with the news that he had been killed and that she had met all of you and it raised some suspicion, not to say that all of them were worried that you might become a zed because you were covered in zombie blood and you have that weird scar on your arm."

That did explain a lot of the thing happened today maybe even the thing with the guard 'Graz', was it? He took a loud bite of his toast which snapped me back to reality, I looked at the bread and out of curiosity I asked, "That bread looks fresh where di you get it from?"

"We have our own furnaces, farms and basically a bit of everything, except pilots, and god knows we need them now. Well sonny this is my office let's go in." he said wagging the half-eaten slice towards a building to the right.

It was an urban house one on the small end, it was kept quite clean, it had a sofa set, a low coffee table, with some maps strewn about.

The place had three doorways and an arch leading to what I assumed would be a kitchen. Before it came into view the General opened the door closest to him and held it open for me to go in. Ordinarily I would get to know the person a bit better before striding off into random rooms with them, but I made an exception because it was Carly's dad, as we went in, I had a look, there were various maps strew on a desk, they were held down by dirty cups, plates and various formal looking tools, "Sorry for the mess boy, I am just too busy right now to clean up." He said with a good-natured smile.

He sat down behind a desk and took out a notepad and a pencil from somewhere under the rubble and began questioning me.

"So, do you have any special skills?"

"uh, I can cook MRE and run? Well I was on the marathon and track team in school. I don't know if-"

"Oh, everything is useful over here," he continued while jotting down the info with a pencil, "obviously not the thing about MRE but track team huh, I definitely think we can find something for you."

This went on for half an hour in which the death of the bodyguard had also come up. He didn't seem very sad but not too happy either, he had said that Carly had already informed him of how it had happened, and that he was not pointing any fingers and that it was just an accident. Apparently, she thought that it was her fault. I just silently sat there not knowing what to say or do, because I didn't know him at all. After sometime he walked me out of the house, "Do come visit sonny, this is where I and Carly live, you have any problems you can talk to me though in the meantime I will go and find a job that is suitable to you."

"Thank you for everything General."

"Don't mention it, and here you go," he said pulling out a handmade map from his pocket and handing it to me, "this is a map of the place which is given to everyone new, you can find the house allotted to you on the map there."

I opened the map open seeing a careful handwriting along with a drawing on there about the whole fenced off area with a note about everything even the location of the power grid and solar panels, "You really give these out to everyone , what if someone misuses it?"

"Not everyone boy, Carly said that we could trust you she made this one all by herself." He said finishing it with a good-natured smile.

I bid him goodnight and walked towards my 'house' following the map. Maybe this is not going to be as bad as I thought, as I walked in the silent night.

A/N: Hey guys I know that I am supposed to put the name of the chapters, but I just don't know what to label them I will try to correct them in the next one thanks.