Nope this is very bad, I can't make it out here. Let's start from the beginning, I heard back from General that I actually had a few options of where I could go to, I could either go with Albus or I could go with Carly, if I took some written tests I could even go to assist gran and the general in the planning and tactical stuff they have over there. Albus was apparently training to go into the Gathering section, he was not going to be just a gatherer, he would learn the difference between all the edible and poisonous stuff and he would also have to learn how to fish as a necessity but he would be guarding the actual gatherers rather than look for stuff to eat. I am told it's a very demanding job in which you have to keep your eyes and ears open for any pirate or zeds that might just creep up, they also go out on supply raids along with the soldiers and collect info on the location of the passing zeds. Carly obviously did a bit of everything but, she is a soldier. The soldiers are supposed to be the real military men, they organise the supply runs, take the regular walks around the fort are in charge of the defence and scouting out the nearby towns.

On first looks the job I would ideally want is the soldier. And so, I applied for it, the biggest mistake I've ever made, well aside from the time I ate the week-old pineapple. Originally before going in I thought that it would be a piece of cake. I was very wrong. You not only had to go on miles long jogs but had to take a heavy bag that would easily have weighed more than me. All this and Carly hung around she was not allowed to talk to me while training was going on but she jogged by my side, her bag was absent because she was used to all of this and did not need one anymore. I won't say anything for sure but I'm sure she was trying her best not to smile for the jog as I wheezed and trudged along.

We also learnt how to operate handguns and tactical bows both of which I was fairly decent at, if you don't count when one of my arrows ricochet off of the dummy's head and almost hit the instructor. I got yelled at despite it being an accident and Carly supported me by laughing herself to tears.

This all was just before the lunch break, for lunch all of us gathered in the mess hall, Carly and I walked over there together and just picking up the food trays made my arms throb. I handed a plate to Carly we both went and caught a seat into a corner, "When can I become a major," I said with a grin, "I mean I'm not confirming but I think that I can beat the current record of the fastest to become a major."

"Sure, you just need to pass a written exam and increase the number of miles you run every day."

She had said that with a blank face because of which I could not tell if she was joking or was that a genuine comment.

I looked at lunch today, considering being on the run the food here was much better, there was at least some form of protein and greens and even salt which was rare to find if you're not making it yourself or eating MRE for some salty food. On the days after supply runs there were even some snacks on the plate, unlucky for us today it was bland chicken with some spice on top and boiled beans desert was the half apple everyone got.

I finished everything except the chicken which I pushed away not having eaten more than two bites of. Carly grabbed the plate and finished my meal, "How the hell can you eat that."

"I have eaten much worse, your cooking for example," she said before eating the rest of the chicken.

"Remind me then did you offer to help because I can't remember if you did." I said which sobered her up.

Just then Albus came and sat down opposite to me and said, "Did you guys hear they are planning to go for a supply run this week!"

Yup that was something to be excited about in here.

"Nice we really need one too; do we know who's going?" I asked.

"Well you three if you want to," I recognised the voice before even turning around, the general had a nasty habit of creeping up behind you when you least expect it, I had almost stabbed him multiple times because of this, "I think that you three work well together why not make use of it, you have three fine soldiers here who I think will be well suited for the run."

I turned to see the general who was closely followed by gran. I had barely seen her since we arrived, she came in the house only in the nights and only rarely when she had her breaks, but she seemed happy to be occupied and so I didn't question it.

I nodded at gran who nodded back with one of her heart-warming smiles. Carly and Albus also looked at the general now, as far as I knew Albus and I both had not yet finished our trainings in order to become official soldiers yet and Carly had not yet been sent on a supply raid yet, and the furthest she had gone was till the place we lived and had lost her only partner on the mission which did not make her application gleam.

The three of us stared at each other, "We will think about it, sir." Said Albus. I knew gran still had a bit of time left on her break since I had assumed all of us would be having the same schedule, I had been proven wrong she turned around with the general and walked out with him, a bit too closely for my liking but I had guessed I was just being paranoid.

hey guys the author here i'm glad you guys are reading my book and comment if you like the story so far and i would be glad to hear any suggestions if you have any.