I dived out of its path just in time but unfortunately Carly wasn't as quick, she raised her arms in front of her face to protect herself the force of the zed against her made her fall on the ground with the zed above her, she struggled to keep the zed away from her face. I got up and removed my knife to stab the creature, I almost got it in the back of its head but then something unexpected happened, the zed turned around to focus its attention on me, it jumped out of harms way and landed on all fours glaring at me with its glowing red eyes, he let out a loud screech at me before charging towards us, I took my knife and I too charged towards it, I slashed at it but it just dodged. This was n0 normal zombie, it was unlike anything I had ever seen, fast agile and most deadly of all, silent.

It charged at me now while Carly was still recovering from the shock and getting up to her feet. I moved as quickly as I could, I punched the thing in its face it just absorbed the punch like it was nothing. It still tried to get to me, I swiftly put my knife through its chest beside the sword where I had assumed it's spine would be, I had perhaps misjudged, the knife came out of its back clean but it still did not stop, Carly came up and kicked the thing in its face clutching her side. It was still bleeding from my knife which now rested in its body. The two of us stared at each other black eyes to red. It growled and then stumbled a bit, in which I saw my opportunity and took a small run and kicked it fell backwards I pulled the sword out of its body and severed its head mid growl the head came clean off his body. Carly and I both of us leaned against the counter for a moment catching our breath, thinking about which one of the devil's personal pets had we just seen.

"Albus are you listening to me? We need to get out of here now!" that was the third message I had sent towards him personally which he had ignored. We had to go look for him.

"Let's go!" I ordered Carly. She also got up, I took a rag from the store counter and I hung the sword behind my back using that, I could still pull it out but it stayed where it should be.

The last we saw Albus was on the ground floor, we took to searching the shops and the hallways without going too deep in the darkness always staying in the sun, we still had a couple hours of sunlight by Carly's estimate.

We explored the ground floor still calling Albus out on the radio not risking it with the zeds again. After about a quarter of an hour worth of searching we found him in a lone food store hiding behind a rack, I was about to call out for him but immediately thought against the decision. He was hiding from something he had to be. Struck with an idea I brought the receiver closer to my mouth and I whispered into it, "We are to your left." His head immediately snapped towards us, his hair was matted to his forehead, he pointed towards the roof of the store, I followed the way his finger was pointing and saw it, there was another wall climber on the roof, there was something different about this one, it had its eyes closed. "I have a plan." I whispered loud enough for Albus and Carly to hear.

I walked carefully around the store to check for any other zed that might be lurking around and might be roused from the prospect of a 'fresh' meal. When I spotted nothing I waved Carly to move ahead and Albus to move towards the exit, they both moved as slowly as they could manage but even then the growth on the floor of the store was enough to create a noise loud enough for the creatures ears, it opened its blood red eyes glowing as bright as small lamps in the semi darkness of the store. It looked at Albus and let off a loud scream, "RUN!" I yelled at Albus, as he hurried out of the door Carly ran past him and took her gun out and shot the zed at point blank range. The force of the bullet was enough to send him crashing back but this zed too had extraordinary reflexes for a zed. It had attempted to dodge the bullet which resulted in it getting shot in the side of the head instead of dead centre. "Get out of there Carly!" the zed gained its stability and then charged at Carly this time she turned grabbed the zed and catapulted it out of the store it flew out the door and fell under the light. There was a screech of pain from the zed during which a sizzle from the zed lit the place I cut its head off to bring some quiet into the place.

"Did you guys find any supplies?" asked a shook Albus.

"No" I said looking at the sword. It had a nice shiny body with a comfortable handle the edge was sharper than anything I had ever seen, it was a good weapon, I slung it back when Albus mentioned that the store had some canned goods inside of it, the three of us filled the bags silently, each lost in their own train of thought.

While leaving I said, "On the bright side, we got the supplies and on the other, I think these things are evolving. We should try to over as much ground as possible while we still have the sunlight."

"What are we going to say back at the camp, the only thing bringing the people peace is the fact that we have a wall to protect ourselves from them, but now…" Carly let the sentence hang mid-air.

"Well on the other hand, my weapons set up is much more manly with this sword now isn't it" With the end of that sentence I saw them smiling once again.

"No, you look like an anime character" Albus said to my displeasure. I gave a sigh, the only thing to look forward to now would be telling the General just how screwed we were.