'This was it; the general was finally addressing the soldiers!' that is exactly what I had thought as I too marched towards the makeshift podium which all of us used as a stage.

The three of us took a secluded spot in the background to avoid the crowd gathering. The general started the speech as soon as enough people had gathered around.

He gave the speech as we had expected him to mentioning the differences between the regular zombies and the new breed, he was careful not to give enough to cause panic but just enough so that the new breed was not underestimated. He stated that the biggest danger with the new breed was that they could scale over the wall and fence set up to gain entry into the fort.

What was expected of him to say was over but sadly the speech did not end over there itself, he said that they were looking into ways to kill all of thee evolved there were out there, I know what the others were thinking bold statement right? Apparently not bold enough, he said that they were going to be sending in a squad to see possibilities of burning the place to the ground.

This came as a hard hit to not the zeds but to us.

The speech ended with a lot of relieved looking faces going around the block even nodding at us with happy smiles keeping their distance of the razor-sharp katana that hung from my back (unlike the other citizens Carly, Albus and I were given permission to keep our weapons on our bodies).

The three of us hurried back to our house to discuss what in the name of all that's good did we just hear. He wants to burn the place down? We reached the house, "WHAT IN THE FROZEN HELL WAS ALL THAT ABOUT!" Albus shouted as we locked the house door behind us, "Did any of you know about this?" he asked turning to us.

"No idea, but why would he make such a promise. I mean it's not a bad one it is even possible but think of all of the manpower and resources that would be wasted on that." Carly said in apparent exhaustion as she flopped on the messy couch.

"Gran also could not have known about that I mean have you seen the expression on her face." I said taking a seat on the floor next to the coffee table. "Alright we need to say what we have got to say fast the general will be on his way here any minute now."

"Do we want to go and help him destroy the hive?" Albus said taking a look around the table.

"First of all, love that name for the hive, and second I am really unsure about it, what if destroying the nest just makes them crawl around here and there and eventually reach here." I said with apprehension.

"Hey now, I thought that we had agreed on hive as the main name!" Carly said jokingly, "Also, quick act normal someone is coming."

Just as she said that someone knocked on the door, I opened the door excepting the general outside but it was just gran that stood there. "Well no need to shut up now, I know that you children are discussing the attack on the zed nest." I looked at Albus who seemed very irked with the fact that the nickname he gave was not sticking.

"But gran did you not know that he was going to announce an attack on the hive before bringing the subject up with the people who have experienced the new breed first-hand, US!" said Carly somewhat disgruntled by the news.

As soon as gran opened her mouth to speak the general walked in, waving his arms happily and looking proud of himself, "So did you hear, you did right? Do you want to lead the mission, the three of you together?"

Simply outraged by the general's aloof manner in which he had just presented the news even after we had warned him how dangerous just the two of these zeds were and he goes and promises the entire base about the plan before discussing it with anyone, needless to say I walked out on him.

I walked out in the setting sun, I walked past the guards by the base entrance, anyone did not dare ask me for my purpose, why I was leaving so late, I've been told that when I am angry, I just have an aura that says do not mess with me, might be because I usually have an easy-going attitude.

I sat down against one of the only concrete walls of the base, the side opposite to me was cleared but only just, wild grass and trees still grew densely on this side but the sunset was still very beautiful, there were only so much beauty left to admire on this planet now anyways. I closed my eyes trying to focus more on my surroundings than imagining a horde of zeds running behind the general. I sat there for quite some time; I opened my eyes when I heard Carly striding towards me carrying a smile on her face, her open brown hair shining golden from the orange sun's dying embers.

"Mind if I join you?"

"Well, there are no laws anymore." I said with the hint of a smile she sat next to me and put her head on my shoulder. We sat there comfortably until the sun had set, "Do you have a flash?" She asked when I suggested we should head back.

"Uh, yeah I should have it, I nicked one from the pirate store, they had loads of them.��� I removed a small pocket flash and looked for a switch. I found it on the back end of the flash, I clicked it on and a strange purple light came on, "Whoa, what is that?" Carly asked taking the flash from my hands, "You know what? I think this might just be a UV light."

"Well stop shining it on your skin then it's supposed to be bad for you. Well let's see now-"

"Shh!" Carly said looking around the bushes, "Run, lets get out of here, now!"

We started running in full tilt as one of the advanced zeds chased us running out of the bushes I somehow managed to start putting some distance between me and it but Carly had started to fall behind, I looked behind as inspiration struck. I immediately stopped telling Carly to keep running, I pointed the UV light at the zeds, I thought it would be harmful or even fatal for the zed but it just seemed to enrage it.

It tackled me to the ground as I firmly kept the zed's mouth away from me and the light pointed at it, slowly but surely the zed began to scream, its skin had started to sizzle from the exposure of the light it tried to get away from the source, but I latched my feet onto it, Carly got a rock and smashed its head in with it. I rolled it off of me and breathing heavily stared at the dead zed that lay before me. I looked at Carly who was still holding the bloodied rock in her hands, one look and I knew that both of us had the same crazy plan in our minds.