Carly and I hurried back to the base and to the general's house, inside was a flustered general sitting on the coffee table and gran sitting next to him with an arm around him while Albus shot looks towards them.

"We have a plan." I said bursting into the room wasting no time at all. We showed the general the UV light and told about the zed. The general crossed his arms and sat for a moment thinking about the whole ordeal when he suddenly got up went to his dresser and fetched a couple of new batteries.

"Try putting these in there." He said with a serious expression. I did as he had asked me to, when I clicked the flash on the light was much stronger than before, I had to squint in the sudden blaze of light to focus. "Obviously the pirates would not be keeping the fresh lights into the separated buildings," gran said with a thoughtful and possibly hopeful face, "But the obvious thing is that we would need more of them."

The whole environment of the room had changed suddenly, where just a moment ago everyone had sat hopeless wondering the possibilities of what the general had said crashing upon us like waves of sadness and despair, now the room was very cheerful and maybe even hopeful that what we had promised might be done.

"We need to send out small groups of people to look for more of these. The pirates must have already cleaned out most of the stores that sold these, and as far as I know these lights aren't even that common," I said lowering my head somewhat, it had already been a long day with the training, and now we had to find a way to fulfil the general's stupid wish, "if I am being a hundred percent honest I don't think there is a way of getting these fast enough without raiding the pirates."

And we all knew that was impossible right now.

"I'm done with this crap, let's all just meet tomorrow and brainstorm about what we could do about our current situation." Albus said, standing and swaying a bit from his legs falling asleep. He walked over to the door and held it open, I walked out and looked back to see if Carly was coming with us.

Just as she had started to walk towards the door a loud screech of an electric bell ringing kicked up our senses, perplexed by the noise I looked towards Carly, "Must be new guys coming into the base, happens every time someone new comes into the place." She said simply.

We all walked over to our own house, people rousing from their slumber staggered out to see who had been taken into the base, "Someone new coming always excites people since there are always some new faces added into the crowd and also because they might hear some news about any possible cure or something." Carly said with a smile of pity plastered to her face.

"Aw, let people hope, better we let them fight with it, rather than let them die without it." I said looking over to some children, likely brother and sister holding each other's hands and peeping from behind their mother's gown.

"Yes, but then again let��s not allow them to get carried away by it." Carly said giving a preposterous look towards a gaggle of girls one of which who had been wishing that they were cute. As if hurt by their comments Albus threw his arms open and stood on the spot leaning backwards a bit and giving a smouldering smile to the group, who chuckled and threw catty looks towards Albus further aggravating Carly.

"What you can have a boyfriend but we can't!" one of the ones standing in the front shouted over to Carly, much to the amusement of her group and Albus. I had to hold Carly back to avoid her leaping at them.

"Oh, stop grinning you can do so much better than them!" she shot at Albus, still looking daggers over at the group.

"I don't know the one in the back was quite pretty." He said looking back at them.

"And anyways the newbies are not just going to be allowed within the masses just yet they too have to be quarantined first."

"Well we will see them tomorrow, anyways right? I mean I've never seen the virus take longer than one day to turn the victim." Albus said while looking aimlessly at the night sky.

"Yeah, sure." Carly said while looking at the house.

"Wait if you need only one day why was I kept in there until I woke up, I mean if I woke up in a house it would have saved me from the painful conversation with Graz." I said bitterly remembering that skunk head.

Carly and Albus just snickered when I asked that question. I found that weird but definitely did not question it further.

"Ah, home sweet home." I murmured quietly when I saw the house, I wanted nothing more right now than to go in the house, undress and jump into the warm, comfy beds and sleep as long as I could. I also had to prepare myself to meet the newbies coming in tomorrow since Carly usually showed everyone in and around the base and I was planning on just hanging around with her, which means that a run-in with the new people was impossible to avoid.

We entered the door and I went straight in Albus and my room bidding the others goodnight, I changed into my pyjamas, turned my lights off and went to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


I rolled out of the bed and went out to see Albus snoring away on his side of the bed, I got out and went into the bath to brush my teeth, while I was in there I noticed something weird, my muscles, they had grown, not monumentally but it was enough to make me notice, I could have put it as the cause of all of the exercise and training around the base but to be honest I really wasn't doing that much, since I had been here I had spent more time with Carly than in any of my classes I removed my shirt to find something even more bizarre I saw that my chest was half filled with scorch marks that I couldn't explain no matter how hard I tried.

They could not have been a result from the fight with the zed since they bit or fought, they did not run around with lighters in their hands, usually but that was a strange sight.

A/N: Hey guys I know this chapter is late by like a couple of weeks but I really do not have a lot of time right now since my exams are starting and I also really wanted to see what I wanted to do with this book since I had really not planned anything before starting it and now it is looking really nice, I still am going to busy over the next 2 weeks but i will still try my best to keep working on the story to bring you the next adventures of our lovely characters.