I was woken up by a bright ray of sun falling into my eyes when Albus opened the blinds, we finally had a proper sunny day outside by the looks of it, "What month is it right now?" I asked albus with a groan rolling out of bed.

"I don't know, lost track after it was May."

I groaned extra loud when I saw that he was already dressed and ready for the day.

"You know that you're going to have to wake up on your own to beat me, right?" he asked with a smug smile on his face, which I ignored searching around for clothes that I could wear. I walked out of our room wearing a baggy pair of shorts and a white tee, I walked out to see Carly holding up a piece of toast and looking at me with disgust, "That's what you're wearing?" she asked while taking a bite of her toast.

"Yes… why, what's wrong with it?"

"We have to show the new people around, I don't want them to think we have hobos in here too." she said swallowing her mouth full of toast

"Well the hobos outside eat people; I think that they will be relieved to think that we have normal looking people that do not chase everyone around."

"Well there is nothing normal about your outfit here so please go and change." She said with a finality in her voice saying she was not open to argue anymore.

I saw her pass a satisfied smile to Albus out of the corner of my eye. I sighed and went in to change my clothes I exchanged my shorts for a black jean I had laying around and put on a black hoodie.

I walk outside to see Carly heading out the door, "I guess that means I'll see you at lunch?" I asked Albus, I wait for him to nod before going out the door myself.

"What you're just going without me?" I asked as I jogged a bit to catch up to her pace.

"No but you did come faster this way didn't you" She replied with a chuckle as she pointed towards a building I recognized as the quarantine centre, "we need to go in there the newcomers must be-"

Her speech was cut off as I let out a low growl on seeing Graz whose displeasure on seeing me was apparent by the sour look on his face too.

"waiting for us…" she finished her speech while looking at me with a funny expression, "are you feeling alright?"

"yeah, why?" I asked.

"Well you just growled at Graz that's why."

"oh yeah just heat of the moment, nothing else."

She continued to look at me with apprehension until we got into the building at the door of the room.

"Dude are you sure you're feeling alright, because if you're not you can always sit this one out." She asked me once again as we opened the door.

"Yes; come on stop fussing." I walked in the same room that I had woken up for the first time in the base. There were two men with a teenage girl who looked the same age as Carly and I, she had jet black hair and was wearing a sky blue hoodie with track pants and biker boots, she was nervously glancing around, the other two guys were wearing full body suits that looked very military, Carly looked a bit taken aback, I guess she had expected a larger group of people.

As far as family went, they did not look like a very happy family even by the standards of a zombie apocalypse, deciding not to judge more yet, I asked them to follow me and Carly.

"Carly huh, that's a very pretty name," one of the men said with a very malicious smile which made me nervous, "I am Josh, this is Grant and that's Millie." He said pointing towards the girl.

As soon as we left the room Millie quickly jogged to walk by the side of Carly, this "family" was very fishy on a whole.

I decided to ignore that feeling and just move on showing the place to them as if I didn't care about the mismatched expressions that went along with the places.

For someone coming into the base from a post-apocalyptic world the place should be a safe haven, someplace to live safely without the threat of monsters outside the boundaries. These people just looked at all of this with envy and the girl kept glancing back at them, the longer I looked at one not necessarily in a good way. I pulled Carly to the side and told her about my suspicions about the whole group, she asked me to be on the lookout for anything dangerous and just carried the tour on. I hung behind the two men and brought up the rear, as we reached the cafeteria Josh, the man who seemed familiar knelt down to tie his shoelaces, when he reached into his boots I thought of the worst and figured out that there was probably a gun or a knife in his boots when I saw the black butt of a gun I knew that we were in trouble.

I ran forward to tackle Josh just as Millie ran to rugby tackle Grant who had been in the process of removing a knife. I reached Josh just as he pulled his gun out and pointed it towards Carly, he didn't tip over as I had expected him to, he stood his ground and looked at me with insane eyes and said, "Well I wanted to take the girl out but I guess you'd do just as well for a message." As he laughed manically pointing the gun towards me and he pulled the trigger after that all that I saw happened in slow motion for me, I saw the bullet leave the gun spinning, Carly and Millie wearing a shocked expression and Grant and Josh being positively overjoyed by this I saw the bullet coming my way just a couple inches now, I felt angered looking at Josh, his smile, his antics I punched him using every ounce of energy in my body. My fist connected with his face just as his bullet met its mark in my stomach I fell down just as I saw Josh fly at least five feet away from me the air charged with the smell of ozone and the crackle of thunder.

The last thing I remember was Carly hurrying over to me placing a hand on the bullet wound saying something while her brown hair swayed over my face. Her hazel eyes found my black ones as I drifted from consciousness feeling nothing but the ground beneath my back and the voice of Carly saying something that I couldn't hear I was too far now.