Chapter One-hundred & Eleven

♦Selena's POV♦

I wake up before Dane, I needed to talk to my grandmother and I needed to catch her off guard if I wanted to get the appropriate replies.

I'm barely properly dressed before said lady is strutting in my room in her signature blood-red dinner dress and stilettoes, her glorious blonde hair in a pert chignon.

"Good morning, Reina, did I catch you at a bad time?" She asks patronizingly, throwing back my own words in my face.

I just roll my eyes and tug up my leather pants. "No, Estelle, you didn't." I grind out, sarcasm evident in my voice. She insisted that we call her by her name, I didn't mind - Lord knows I wouldn't want anyone calling me grandma either.

"Good, come along." She spins around, leading the way out the chambers. "We wouldn't want to disturb your sleeping little boyfriend."

I follow after her, unsurprised that she would know the Werewolf's King's Castle like the back of her hand.