Chapter One-hundred & Twelve

♦September's POV♦

"I doubt it was ever an option," Travon says gravely.

"I keep getting this creepy feeling like there are eyes on me." Lucy shivers, holding tight to Travon's hand.

"That's because there are," Dane affirms darkly, an arm around Selena who I note is quite shaken and if that isn't enough to instill fear in me.

It takes a lot to startle my twin and nothing serious has even happened yet, just the spying.

"What's bothersome is that they aren't even trying to hide the fact that they are spying." Neruda speaks up, face grave although his hands are subtly moving and Cyril hides his red face from the rest of the table. "It's like they're telling us that they have their eye on us, it's fucked up."

An uncomfortable silence falls on the table, appetites non-existent.

"We have to leave soon." Travon breaks it sometime later. "We can't hide out in this room forever."