Chapter One-hundred & Twenty-three

♦ September's POV ♦

The door looks suspicious, I mean it's the only one visible not to mention that eerie red glow, where was it coming from.

But there was a very high probability that the behind the door I would find Selena or at least a clue to finding her and that's enough to make me reach for it.

I feel uncomfortable when i make contact with the door like hundreds of slugs are crawling all over me at once, it's unsettling but I push past that feeling and heave the door.

It doesn't budge at first and when I'm about to apply more pressure it swings open behind my palms, making stumble forward.

At first it's like going instantly blind but the dark fog clears, the door swinging shut behind me with an air of finality.

The room looks like the throne room of Hades but I pay it no mind, the same way I ignore the imposing dark figure sitting on an elevated throne.