Chapter One-hundred & Twenty-four

♦ Selena's POV ♦

My sharp ears pick up movement not far away from where we are. "We need to move."

"What way is outside?" She asks curiously, using just one hand to dust her clothes and the sand out of her hair.

I point in the opposite direction from whoever it was after us. 

"How do you know?" She asks when I pull her in that direction.

"Even if it's wrong, the other way has people coming for us, where are the others?" I ask, curious, knowing that there was no way they would let September come rescue me all by herself.

She looks guilty immediately. "I might have sneaked out in the middle of the night."

"Why am I not surprised?" I mutter rhetorically, shaking my head.

The cave might have been pretty if there was proper lighting but as all we had was September's small flame that was barely able to keep up from tripping although we had our advanced Vampire vision, it looked straight out of a horror movie.