Chapter One-hundred & Forty

#Cyril's POV#

I couldn't stay in my room. My depressive thoughts were wrapped around my neck, choking me.

So I decided to wander through the mostly deserted castle; I couldn't sit still but I also didn't have the energy to expend on going outside.

Not to mention that I still had to pay Selena a visit.

Voices from the foyer attract my attention and I find myself heading there, my steps getting brisk almost like my instincts were trying to tell me something.

"Oh god! Where is all of your hair?" Arianna's voice floated clearly to me.

She sounded very different from how she had been that morning, her tone was lilting, almost happy.

I burst round the corner, striding out from under the stairs to find Ari fussing over someone that looked like September. Or was it September?