Chapter Three

"Sam sit up". I eyed him from my position on the desk. He was sprawled on his bed staring at his book drowsily. I doubt that he was actually seeing anything. "Look at you, your eyes are already closing". How wouldn't he fall asleep in that position, on a bed?

We were supposed to be working on a history research on something about dinosaurs. Who cares about them? Not me, but an assignment is an assignment and must be done.

Sorry truth.

That bed was damn comfortable. It looked so comfy and it was. I'm a testifier. Whenever I was in this room and on that bed, even if I take all the caffeine in the whole of Boston I still end up sleeping. So I can't really blame him for feeling drowsy. I sighed and looked away from the tempting bed.

I'm sighing so much these days. William even said I'm growing old faster than normal.

He was going to fall asleep leaving me to finish the work on my own if something wasn't done and fast. "Sam! Get your ass off that bed. Now. I mean it".

Instead of answering me, he dropped his head face down on his book. "Oh no, you don't". I sprang up from my seat and crossed to the bed. I rolled him over.

"Get up".

"Just ten minutes I promise". He muttered, his eyes still closed.

"We know that's not true. Up!". I gave him a nudge but he did not move an inch.

Okay let's play.

With a mischievous smile, I brought my phone out of my pocket and browsed through my music looking for a loud song. I chuckled under my breath as I brought the phone's speaker closer to his ear and tapped the play button.

Sam leapt out of bed startled. I cracked up in laughter holding my sides. Oh lord. The way he leapt was one thing and the expression on his face was really something to see.

"Jesus. Alex what was that!" He hissed. I waved him off, I could only laugh. "Give me that". He snatched my phone and paused the annoying song. He played something else. A very quiet song with soft tunes, it fitted his sleepy mood perfectly. He collapsed on the bed clutching my phone.

"A sleeping song. Really! Turn it off and get up". I said with my sternest voice.

He scoffed. "Are you now my mother? I know you want to lie down too". He tapped the space closer to him beckoning to me to join him.

Without another word I bent over him and reached across to take my phone from his left hand but he sharply pulled me down with his right. I landed on his chest, faces inches apart.

Someone please hand me a mouthwash! If I had known something like this would happen I would have brushed extra carefully today.

This guy never worked out, why was he muscular? Everything else seemed to stop except the unsteady beating of my heart. I slowly looked into his eyes. He held my gaze for a while before moving to rest on my lips and just like that they parted.

Calm down girl, my inner self teased. Its not me it's the oestrogen, I defended.

What? It's not me, they parted without my permission. I stared at his lips as they inched closer to mine. Why could I not move? Truth is, I did not want to move. I've always wondered how he would taste, was he a good kisser? Oh those lips!

I closed my eyes in anticipation and at the same time praying he uses tongue. Sue me!

But before we could connect the door opened, somebody entered and started coughing. The speed with which I jumped away from Sam shocked my dear heart.

"Did I interrupt something? I'll just come back later". She coughed pointing the door behind her It was Amanda, Sam's mom. She tried to keep a straight face but failed woefully.

"No". I answered too quickly. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. "No. Don't come back later".

She quirked her brows at me with a teasing smile. "I shouldn't come back later? Oh much later. How much time do you need?"

"No. No. Oh Amanda you know that's not what I meant. I meant don't come back later like don't go. You didn't interrupt anything. We were only__ I was only__I mean nothing happened__I fell down and Sam..." I kicked Sam who had already sat up and was enjoying the show. "...say something will you".

"Aw but there's nothing to say. You were the one that fell on me. You just wanted to feel my abs right? Come on Alex you should have said so falling on me is soo old-fashioned". He winked at me a small smile playing on his lips.

I stared at him open-mouthed. I looked from him to Amanda whose grin made my face even hotter. What's this guy's deal?

"Are you kidding right now?" I let out an incredulous laugh. " You were the one who pulled me down!"

"And you were the one who parted your lips first. Wasn't that an invitation? See?"

" Sam! Lord. I didn't do that Amanda I swear. I was simply__" I opened my mouth and closed it looking for the right word "__thirsty! Yes thirsty, my mouth was dry".

Amanda and Sam laughed at this.

You're such a bad liar. I could do better than that". Sam pointed out.

I turned on Sam and shot him a lethal look.

"Shut up".

"It's okay Alex I'm out. There's no need to be embarrassed. Go ahead, return to whatever you guys were doing". She winked at me backing towards the door. "Sam. No pulling of pants yet". I opened mouth and emitted a high-pitched laughter. What was that!

"Mom!" Sam yelled, it was his turn to feel embarrassed but she was already out the door.

"Were you considering that?" I half whispered and half shouted.

"Course not!" He looked at me like it was the most absurd thing I've ever said. Probably is.

The atmosphere became awkward as were alone again. He turned off the music and looked straight at me. I looked away and fiddled with the hem of my top.

"So...are we gonna talk about what almost happened? We almost..." I was cut off.

" I'll go get something to drink". He stood up and shuffled out leaving me staring after him.

I wanted to know what was happening. I could feel that things were changing but just didn't know what. The way he looked at me for example. This look of longing with those intense eyes of his and what's with the way I react. Wait. Did Sam like me? My body erupted in tingles at the possibility of this. I mean he was handsome and cool. I've seen many times the way girls looked at him. Those times when things were good in school, girls do ask me to set him up with them but he never dated. Not for once. He went out to parties and hooked up occasionally though. We've been best friends since forever and the thought of me and Sam being together never crossed my mind, not even once. So why was I starting to see him in a different light? It was like he started shining brighter and I started noticing him more than before.

Sam's phone buzzed on the nightstand interrupting my thoughts and signalling a message. Without a second thought I picked up the phone to check it out but there was a password.

"Since when did he have a password?"

Sam walked in with two chilled bottles of cola and handed me one. He eyed my phone in his hand. "What are you doing with that".

"Since when did you have a password?"

" Since my dad suddenly added going through my phone anytime he feels like to his list of parental duties".

I chuckled at the absurdity of this. "My dad can't try that shit with me but then again I have nothing to hide. Do you?".

He shrugged taking a swig of his cola.

My eyes widened as a thought came to me. "You watch porn. don't you?"

"Only the ones you upload. They are soooo good". He bit off sarcastically.

" Gross". I crinkled my nose in disgust.

"There's a message". I handed him his phone. He checked it and his jaws hardened.

"What? Who's it from".

"Mirabel". He growled.

"Oh". I took this in. Mirabel was my then bestie. Me, her and Sam were always together. Then she just up and left my life with these words "I hate you!" Yeah just like that. She didn't even give an explanation. Now when we see each other in school she doesn't even spare me a glance. She goes about with her new crew, they all worship her. She stopped hanging out with me and Sam stopped hanging out with her. "What does she want?".

"Something about today being her birthday and she's inviting me to the party". He murmured, I could barely hear him.

" Oh". I said again. "No need to get l worked up. You should go".

"Don't joke around Alex. I'm not going, I'm sure she already knows that. But maybe if you agree to go with me..."

" Are you crazy? I wasn't invited".

"I was and I'm inviting you to accompany me". At the look on my face he added. " Don't argue. If you don't like it, forget about me going".

"What time is the party?" I asked biting my lips.

" It's 9pm. Now it's 5:30pm".

"We should at least get some gifts. Come on we're going to the mart".

" Gifts? Why? She did not ask for them". He was really serious.

I gave him my best "are you kidding me" look. "Courtesy demands it".

"I don't know about courtesy".

" Well I do even if she doesn't deserve it. It's because I'm well mannered". I started for the door not knowing if I was referring to courtesy or Mirabel.

Sam snorted and grabbed his car keys following me out the door.

I prayed this doesn't go wrong.