Chapter Four

I looked in panic at my empty wardrobe. I had brought out all my clothes without realizing it. The bed and floor was littered with clothes, none of which I liked. I panicked because this was the first party I was attending in months since I was deemed the outcast. I wanted to look my best with or without an invitation with the hope that they accepted me back but all my clothes were too somehow. They looked like they were laughing at me. Don't roll those eyes.

I glanced at the wall clock, 8:30pm. Goodness! Sam would be here any moment now.

"Mom! I need help please". I had no other option, I really needed a female hand and mom has proved to be very useful in situations like this. It's at times like this I really wished I had an older sister.

"I'll be up in a sec. Aren't you ready yet?" Immediately I heard her pounding up the stairs. I resisted an eye roll. If anything, mom was more nervous than I was. She wasn't the one attending the party but she was super elated when I told her about it.

Well the thing is, I lied. I told her I got invited by Mirabel. I shouldn't have and I know but what should I have done? I wanted to go, I wanted to take this chance to make things go back to the way they used to be. If I had told my parents the truth they wouldn't even consider letting me go or maybe they would after lots of arguments along with the sympathetic looks I hated . Mom especially lectures me on self respect.

I shook the thoughts out of my head as mom came in and halted at the mess, a disapproving look on her face. "What the__". She caught herself midway and coughed to cover up her near slip-up.

"What the what mom? We're you going to swear?" I laughed amazed forgetting my worries for a moment. She has never ever sworn, at least I have never heard her say it.

"Me? No". She denied with an innocent smile. " What's all this mess and look at you. You're no where near ready".

" That's why I called you. I have absolutely no idea on what to wear".

"We should have gone shopping to get a new dress, it's too late now. All the same let me have a look". She began picking and dropping clothes examining each and every one of them. Her sharp eyes which moved quickly, knew what they were looking for. After a moment of rummaging, she paused and brightened up on seeing a particular blue dress which she threw at me. I caught it in one clean motion and held it out in front of me. I looked at her in doubt. "This?"

"Try it first. Don't be a doubting Thomas. I have a good eye". She opened the bathroom door and pushed me inside, "Put it on". I quickly changed into the dress and came out.

Mom wore a proud look, nodding her head. I hesitantly walked to my full length mirror. Whoa. I looked back at myself in disbelief. The dress couldn't be anymore perfect. It was sleeveless and a little above the knee. It accentuated

my curves and showed off my legs. The rich blue colour complimented my eyes and brought out the beauty in them in a way that it gleamed. I and the dress became one, united in harmony. How on earth did I miss this?

"I told you". Mom said proudly from behind me.

"Thanks Mom. You are super you just saved me". I really meant it.

" Anytime sweetie. Let's quickly get to your hair and make-up".


I came out the front door to meet Sam. He looked handsome leaning on his car bonnet. He looked glorious in the denim jeans and jacket he was wearing. He jelled his hair too. I smiled and very quietly cleared my throat to get his attention. He turned, eyes widening, his mouth opened and closed. I saw his Adam's apple bob up and down. I giggled in my head.

For some odd reason, I was pleased by his reaction.  "Sorry I kept you waiting. You look good Sam".

"I've always looked good Alex". He shrugged giving me a clean smile. " But it looks like someone finally looks good". He opened the passenger's door for me, I entered and he gently shut it. He went around to the driver's seat.

I snorted. " Don't kid yourself. You only look good today because you finally had a shower".

He laughed and turned on the ignition. "I didn't shower today. Why?" He sniffed his pits. "Do I smell nice?"

"Nope. It must be the perfume".

"It's still on me".

"There's a difference"

"What's that difference?"

" Take off your jacket and we'll know".

"Shut up Alex". He muttered borrowing a sad tone. I smiled, I won.

We drove in silence in a while then Sam said something out of nowhere  catching me off guard.

"You're look beautiful. No, you're beautiful, gorgeous tonight and always". He looked on straight ahead, his hand gripping the wheels tightly.

"What was that?". I found myself giggling.

"I don't really know but I know it wasn't funny". He tried to sound flippant but I could see right through him, the guy was blushing from embarrassment.

"You are such a guy Sam. You were supposed to say this to me when I was on my front porch. Don't you watch movies? You don't read novels?"

He scratched his head. "Umm... I did not know". He turned and gave me a deep look. "Next time".

I nodded. I looked calm but inside I was far from that. What the hell did next time mean? The butterflies came giving me that weird feeling.


"I don't think I can do this. I'm gonna puke". I took deep breaths to calm my nerves. We were outside Mirabel's house where the party was already under way. The parking lot and Street was parked with cars. People were streaming in and out of the house, music blared out from invincible speakers . I was so nervous. "I think I'm gonna have to be a coward and run".

"Hey, hey, hey, look at me". He cupped my face holding me still. " Look at me". I did. "Good. You can do this Alex. You always turn things around, you got this one too. Attending this party is a piece of cake. You're beautiful, charming, smart, amazing, superb, wonderful, daring, you're___"

" Enough already I got your point. You're making me more nervous". I smiled and took another deep breath.  "Let's get this over with".

"Well, well, well. Look who we have invited guest together with a very uninvited guest". I turned to acknowledge the owner of this voice, the voice of a friend turned enemy. Mirabel. She approached us with a cynical smile her heeled boot making crunching sounds on the gravel with every slow step. She was smoking too. I did not know she had started.

"Heyyy there you are!" I winced at how enthusiastic I sounded. I immediately took out the wrapped gift Sam and I got earlier from the car and held it out to her. "It's from the both of us. Happy birthday. Thought I should drop by and wish you, if not for anything, at least for old times sake".

"Who said you could do that?" She puffed out smoke on my face without even sparing a glance at the outstretched gift.

" Huh? I__" I coughed, I had inhaled too much of the smoke.

" Me. She's my date so she can be here unless you want to uninvite me". Sam said stepping forward pushing me aside.

"You". She scoffed and threw down her cigarette, stepping on the butt with her heeled boots. "I don't even want to know what made you think you could do that but sorry to burst your bubbles she's not going through that door. If you have a problem with that you may as well leave with her".

"Mirabel I know you don't want to do this". Sam reached out and took her hand in his.

She pulled it away angrily. "You're wrong about that sweetheart, I want to do this. As a matter of fact, it gives me immense pleasure".

I could sense Sam was getting angry and when he did, it was no good at all. To avoid unpleasant and unnecessary scenes I decided to finally step back and accept the clear fact which has always been staring straight at me. Things will never get better. I don't know why I felt so disappointed at being rejected when in truth I had very little hope at being welcomed. It's because I had allowed myself to hope, hope however little is not always safe. "Sam it's alright we can leave now". But Sam was not ready yet.

"You're the worst. How can you suddenly be like this when we used to be good friends".

"Don't you dare play that card with me! You Sam, you and you alone made your choice, no one else. I made mine.

I stared at the two of them, almost at each other's throats and was confused. There was something I did not know. "What choices are you talking about?"

Mirabel shot daggers at me. "You're the problem here. In fact, you have always been the problem". The venom in her voice was so much that I unconsciously moved back.

"Fix everything you did wrong before it's too late". Sam said in what sounded like a warning or a threat or something in between. I'm not too sure.

"Haha I'm soo scared. Am I supposed to scamper away in fear too?" She drawled in heavy sarcasm. My blood boiled. It was right about time I wiped that smug look off her face.

"Come on Alex let's get out of here. Screw this party. Coming here was a huge mistake". Sam grabbed my hand and pulled me but I remained glued in my spot. "What now?"

I stared hard at Mirabel and ignored Sam, he eventually let go of my hand. "If you have a problem with me Bella you should tell me right now and stop acting like an overpampered bitch, it doesn't suit you".

"You don't get to tell me how to act. I do as I please" She leaned in and whispered in my ear "including turning everyone against you. I did that. I spread rumours".

As this soaked in my legs trembled from shock. So this was what had happened. She had said bad things about me. It never even crossed my mind that someone could be responsible for the way I was being treated. I never expected something near this from someone I had seen as my sister. I mean even after we had separated I never once thought she could be this callous . How could she do such a thing to me and what the hell for?! "You did that?" I asked her suddenly weak. "Why? Why Bella?".

Mirabel let out a throaty laugh. "You're asking me? You really don't know? I'll tell you. Because I wanted to, it was fun. I wanted to see everyone avoid you, hiss at you, be mean to you, chase you away from their group... I wanted you to be alone. I wanted you to feel the pain of rejection! But alas one person has made it a life goal to stick to you. How sad". She eyed Sam.

Rage coursed through my veins and without thinking I lunged at her and took hold of her blonde hair screaming. "You bastard!!" With all my strength and anger I tugged at her beautiful hair which showed the effort she had put in it threatening to pull it out of it's roots.

She cried in pain trying in vain to pull my hands away. "Somebody help me. Get this lunatic away from me".

The few people who had been watching the scene unfold made to come closer but Sam glared at them and they backed away grudgingly. Sam pulled my hands away from Mirabel's tangled hair. "Alex that's enough". As soon as Mirabel was freed and had regained her balance she slapped me hard across the face. Before the pain could sting I gave her two harder slaps on both cheeks which sent her reeling. "World's shittiest asshole. You had better undo everything while I'm being nice. Your parents are the first people I'll report to". The moment I said it the fear which she could not hide made me smirk.

Her parents were faithful disciples of child discipline so she was always on her toes around them. If only they knew.

Without another word I stormed off with Sam calling after me. I was quite pleased with myself. Coming here was not so bad after all, at least I learnt a small fraction of the truth.