Chapter Eight

Dinner was ready. Mom had made me help her out in the kitchen, While I peeled potatoes for dinner, Dad and Sam watched basketball on the TV. William was with them in the living room but he was playing on the floor with his toys.

Dad was the type to comment on the moves of the players every now and then while watching. Sam who knew nothing about the game of basketball just rearranged everything dad said and repeated them again to save face.

He kept on doing this until dad said to him in a flat tone, "you don't have to say anything".

"Okay". Sam sounded rather relived .

I dropped the potatoes I was peeling and laughed in an unladylike manner. Mom told me to keep shut but I could see she was keeping hers in.

After peeling the potatoes, I ran to the living room and sat beside Sam who looked very glad to see me. Dad took one look at us with narrowed eyes. He looked particularly at our linked hands.

Uh uh, I know that look. I immediately removed my hand from Sam's and moved away from him to the far end of the couch. But it was already too late, dad's mind was made up.

"What's that smell? I think it's coming from you Alex, go shower".

I rolled my eyes. "Dad, if you want to chase me away just say it straight out".

"I'm serious. Sam don't you smell that?" Dad dared Sam with his eyes to say no.

I glared at Sam and dared him to say yes. "Sam don't try me, we'll really be over"

"Sam go ahead and say the truth". Dad encouraged then added in a small threatening voice, "I won't like it if you lie".

I looked at dad in disbelief, "Really dad?". He was being so childish right now.

"So Sam what's it gonna be?" I gave him my scariest look.

Sam didn't like being put on the spot. He looked at dad and I could see him tremble. He looked at me a gave me a nervous smile.

What? You will choose dad over me??

"Well, you see Alex...the thing is... you don't really smell but I think you could use a shower. I'm not saying you stink babe, I'm just just suggesting a shower".

I stared at him fiercely thinking of words that will pierce him. Nothing was coming to my mind. Why wasn't I angry? "Shut up". That's it, that's it, I'm officially a fool.

Sam smiled really thankful that I'm not mad. He mouthed—I'm sorry.

Dad snorted. "You stink, go shower".

"I'm going! You are not cool dad". I stomped up the stairs.

"Dad why did you make Sam lie?" William accused dad from his spot on the floor.

Dad coughed, "I did no such thing. Sam why don't you...". I entered my room and shut the door blocking out the rest of the conversation. Blocking out the rest of dad's lie.

I didn't forget to lock the door.

After my shower, I felt so good that it was hard not to thank dad. I changed into casual and very comfortable clothes before coming back down.

Dad was making Sam talk about the weather. I laughed and sat beside dad this time. What a dry topic to discuss. No it wasn't a discussion. Dad was asking Sam questions. Strange confusing questions.

Sam looked at me and his look cried—"save me!!" I shook my head helplessly.

Sam was making an effort to answer intelligently. I could tell dad was impressed but dad had a poker face on so Sam wouldn't have known. Poor him.

I decided to give Sam a signal that he was right on track. I leaned back on the couch behind dad's back and gave him a thumbs up. That seemed to put him at ease a little bit.

Dad can be evil at times. I knew he liked Sam but he was just doing the overprotective dad thing. But his own method was odd.

"This is slow death dad. Why don't you guys just talk about me? I'm an interesting topic you know". I was ignored but I didn't mind too much, Sam was completely at ease now.

"Time for dinner", Mom called.

We all stood up and walked to the dining room which was decorated. Was this because of Sam or is there an occasion that I didn't know of?

A festive red cloth adorned the table, white candles were set up and green napkins rounded off the decorations.

"Mom, was the date for Christmas moved forward?" I asked Mom with wide eyes, she giggled like a school girl. Her excitement was infectious, I smiled at her.

"I don't know why she's super excited". Dad uttered spiritlessly. He does a good job hiding his real emotions whenever he wants to. He was not as excited as mum but he was not as spiritless as he sounded.

I sat next to William, Sam sat across from us (dad made sure of this), while dad and mum had the head of the table seats.

The next few minutes were spent serving everyone and passing dishes around. When we started eating at last, we all stopped talking. The food was the only thing we cared about. Mom had made a beef roast, mashed potatoes, roasted veggies and many other foods. She was an excellent cook, her meals were always and I mean always yummy.

"So Sam, tell me, why are you dating my daughter?" Dad asked without preamble but Sam was ready.

"I love Alex a lot sir. I've loved her since forever but I've been too big of a coward to say anything to her. She's an angel and an ordinary person like me don't deserve half of her and I know it __

"You know and you're still dating her?" Dad cut him off. I giggled.

Mum smiled, "Leave him alone Bob".

"It's because I love her too much and I want to give this my best shot. I am not deserving of her but believe me when I say I'll do my best to protect her and make her happy. A fly wouldn't touch a hair on her precious head. I would__"

"Aw". William had pinched my arm.

William stuck out his tongue at Sam. "What will you do? I just pinched her".

Sam chuckled, "I'll spank you if you do it again buddy".

"What did say? You'll spank my son?!" Mom was mad.

Sam was flustered. "No. I'm sorry for upsetting you, I was only joking... I... I... didn't mean..."

I became afraid for Sam. Dad was also startled. William began to feel sorry for causing trouble.

We all looked at mom afraid. She was slow to anger but whenever she got angry it was like a thunderstorm.

It's no exaggeration.

All of a sudden mum started cackling. "I'm kidding. Look at your faces".

"Mum! You almost gave Sam a heart attack".

"Did I?" She asked Sam. "I'm sorry dear but it was fun".

Sam sighed multiple times in relief. Dad must have felt sorry for him. He reached over and patted his back gently. "Don't hurt Alex".

"I swear on my life, I won't hurt her. Thank you Sir". Sam was grinning from ear to ear.

"That was a warning. You'll be dead meat if she cries". Dad said with all seriousness.

"Then I'll make sure not to cry". I winked at dad.

Sam looked at mom for her approval and she nodded. "You know I already like you".

"Thank you Ma. I won't let you down". Sam was almost bowing.

"Oh please, you can go back to calling me Julia". Mom smiled at him.

"Awwwn. My parents are so kind". I gushed.

"Shut up and finish up your dinner". Dad said gruffly.

We went back to eating.

When we were all stuffed, we moved back to the living room while mom heated up dessert.

This time I sat very close to Sam allowing my head to lean on his shoulder. He waited for a second and when dad didn't say anything he started running his hand through my hair. I sighed in content.

Dad and William were watching a program on the TV. So they weren't really paying mind to us.

Sam's hand moved from my hair to my arms. He started stroking my arms gently sending ripples of fireworks down my spine. I felt hot. I pressed my thighs together. Did he know what he was doing to me?

He tilted my chin up with his thumb, and leaned down, placing his lips on mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back slowly and gently. It took all the willpower I had to kiss him calmly when what I wanted to do was push him back and devour him.

Sorry. I didn't mean that. I'm sorry but I did mean that.

I wanted to show him I could do things to his body too. My arms tightened around him, our pace quickened and before I knew it my hands were under his shirt.

I immediately pulled away with uneven breaths. What the hell!! I stole a glance at dad, he was dozing away. Sam was fixated on the TV program. Ah thank goodness! I would have seen hell today.

"I'm sorry I got carried away". Sam apologized.

"It's okay, I got carried away too". I admitted.

Sam smiled and murmured in my ear, "I don't want to go".

I giggled and leaned closer to him. "I want this night to go on forever"

"Me too". He agreed with a muffled voice.

"You could sleepover. I think mom would support me". I suggested.

"Really?" Sam asked really hopeful.

"In my house?!" Dad's surly voice which came from above us caused me to jump away from Sam. "Did I hear right?"

"I don't think you did dad". I said trying to be louder than my pounding heart.

"Better". he turned to Sam, "Go now, hurry home. Say me we'll to your parents".

Sam stood up at once and said his goodnights to dad who only nodded. He then said his goodbyes to William and then Mom who had appeared from nowhere, he thanked her for a delicious dinner.

After all was said and done he waved me bye. "I'll call you when I get home".

I nodded and waved back. "Get home safely".

When he was gone, dad turned and regarded me with narrowed eyes. He then started advancing towards me menacingly. With each step of his, I took two steps backwards. "You, you, you, you".

"Me what?" I asked confused. Did he see Sam and I earlier? No, didn't. If he did, he wouldn't have stayed still.

My legs which kept moving back hit the couch and I sat down. I looked up at dad, who was looking down on me, now wearing a gentle smile. "Don't let him hurt you darling".

With that, he quietly went up the stairs. I stared at his back and looked at Mum who shrugged.