Chapter Nine

Today was a good day. I felt it the moment I opened my eyes this morning.

I know this because I woke up with a smile on my face! And trust me that rarely happens on a school day.

Scratch that, it never happens.

And don't think it was because I had a steamy session with Sam in my dream.

I don't dream.

Maybe I do but I don't remember any of it the moment I wake up. Is that a bad thing?

Anyways, I was super happy this morning and I hoped it went on like this till the end of today.

I got up from bed and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine. I brushed my teeth, washed my hair and had my bath. All the way through these activities I was humming.

I almost laughed at the strangeness of it all. It was like I had stepped back and was now watching a new me.

I shook my head and dressed up. I blow-dried my hair and brushed it out so it no longer looked like a bird nest. I then packed it up in a pony tail.

Dad used to say to me, life is full of ups and downs.

Maybe my bad days are finally over, I thought to myself. In a way it was quite sad, I was so used to feeling sad that happiness now felt so strange.

Perhaps the heavens have decided to smile down on this faithful child of theirs. I giggled to myself in excitement and walked to my full length mirror.

I paused and stared at my beautiful and sexy twin saucer-eyed . Where has this second me been all my life?!

Never knew I could be this hot. It's not like I've always regarded myself with contempt but I just never knew I could be THIS alluring. Wow. I marveled at my long slender legs. They belonged in the museum, they were just too sexy to be mine.

I have to be dead first right? I cringed, I'm going senile.

I had tucked in a loose shirt in a short but not too short high waist skirt and had slipped on a beautiful pair of high heels.

Not too high though, wouldn't want to walk around looking like a motherfucking pole. I was already tall, remember?

With a boosted self esteem I sat down and reached for my make-up things on the vanity table. I drew my brows and powdered up my face. I lined my eyes, applied mascara and a red lipstick. What did I not apply? But I was careful not to make it look slutty. The make-up was beautiful, elegant. I smiled at my reflection in the mirror in satisfaction.

After a once-over, I was finally ready to go. I collected my things and carefully went down the stairs.

My heels went clip-clop on the steps. I hated the noise but I liked the fun of trying something new.

Wearing heels comes with lots of warnings. But I knew only one by heart.

Do not get your leg broken!

So bounding down the stairs like I usually do was crossed off for today. I carefully went down the stairs with my eyes solely on my legs.

I reached the bottom steps successfully without broken legs and gave myself a thumbs up. The smell of bacon assaulted my nose, making my mouth water.

I made my way to the kitchen as quietly as possible and stopped at the entrance. I peeped in and quietly stepped back. Mom, Dad and William were all seated around the table in the center of the kitchen eating and making small talk.

I was kind of worried, I have always been a canverse and faded jeans girls so I did not know how they would take this look, dad especially. For all I knew, he could tell me to go change my clothes else no school.

William was the first to see me since he was facing the door. Our eyes met. His eyes slowly scanned me, head to toe. I couldn't read his expression but I begged him with my eyes to keep quiet and not to alert mom and dad before I was ready to let them see me — but I totally forgot that William was a monkey.

He suddenly screamed his lungs out scaring the hell out of me. I mean I even had to look back to make sure nothing was coming after me.

"William what was that?" I heard mom ask with a note of alarm.

"Did you see a frog in your tea? That's the only thing that should make you scream the way you just did". Dad's sarcastic voice made me even more nervous.

"A frog is a little bit extreme Bob, it wouldn't fit into that cup". Mom pointed out, I could almost see her rolling her eyes.

"A baby frog then". Dad replaced.

I stood still on my spot wondering whether running out the front door would be sensible.

"Will darling, what's the problem?" Mom asked William again.

William smirked at me and turned to mom but before he could say anything I walked in, almost like I was pushed to do so. William was obviously prepared to aggravate matters. He could've said__I think miss Lydia's friend has come to pay us a visit__.

Let's just say Lydia was our neighbour and a slut. A different man was always going into her house and coming out while buttoning his shirt or fastening his fly. I would never know why they never finish dressing properly inside before coming out.

Do they want to make it that obvious? Or was it some sort of advertisement to draw patrons? The amusing thing is that another neighbor, Mrs Archer, couldn't keep her thoughts to herself and confronted Lydia about the many men and do you know what her answer was? She said she runs a private bathhouse for only men. Who was she kidding? She had no iota of shame.

Not that it's any of my business though, just saying. I guess you now know what calling me Lydia's friend means.

"Morning mom, dad", I greeted with forced cheer. I bent to kiss dad's cheek but he pushed my face away. Here he goes. I went to kiss mom's cheek, she let me but she didn't reciprocate. The fact that she let me means something at least, I thought. If she is on my side then no problem, she can convince dad.

"Someone should explain to me what's going on because I don't understand. Alex?" Dad stood up.

"It's nothing dad. This skirt has been in my wardrobe for ages. It hasn't been worn once so I thought— 'Let's not let it go to waste since it was bought with good money".

"Oh. Is that it? You should have mentioned it first instead of startling me like this". Dad smiled. I smiled too nodding my head. It was so easy, I got scared for no reason.

"I understand Alex", dad continued, "now that I know, you don't have to worry just leave it in your closet and wear something your size. I won't consider it waste of money, you've outgrown it".

I stared at dad open-mouthed. But I thought... I thought...

"But dad!" I protested.

"No buts. You think I was really going to let you leave wearing THAT? What's going on in that head of yours?" The way he sounded you'd think I was wearing only panties.

"Come on Bob, she looks okay. The skirt is not short, it's the style". Mom tried to reason with dad.

Dad wasn't going to have it. "I said no".

"And I said yes". Mom took her stance.

Whoa. You rock mom. Dad looked at mom surprised. Mom laughed at the look on dad's face.

"Look honey, her dressing is decent enough". Mom said in a softer tone.

"But see her legs they are..." dad pointed at my legs lacking the right adjective.

"They are beautiful". Mom completed for him. My thoughts exactly.

"Yes dad, people wear stuff like this everyday and nothing happens. Besides I'm only wearing it today. Please can I go now?" I gave him my cutest puppylike


He looked at me for a moment and sighed in defeat. "Be careful please, that's all I ask".


I ran and hugged him until he begged to be released. I blew my mom a kiss. "You both are the best". I turned to William. "Eat shit".

"Will you give me yours?" He retorted.

Mom chuckled. "You two are really something".

A car horn blared thrice outside. That was my cue to leave.

I plucked two pieces of bacon off William's plate and went out the kitchen. "Catch you guys later". I sang sweetly and stuffed my mouth with bacon.

I came out and Sam's jaw would have dropped to the ground had I not caught it. Ha ha. I kissed his cheek. "Morning".

I sashayed to the other side of the car and got in.

Sam hadn't moved a muscle. I giggled and called out to him. "I know you just fell hard for me again but we're going to be late if you don't get your acts together".

He slowly got in and taking my hand he kissed it. I felt the now familiar tingles. He looked at me with awe, "How are you so beautiful?" He traced my leg with the tip of a finger and I felt every place he touched lit up with fire. "Every part of you is beautiful Milady, take me as your humble slave". He cried out and placed his head on my lap.

I smiled and slapped his head so he moves away. "Ouch". He rubbed his head sitting up.

"Stop with your nonsense Sam".

"Are you sure you want us to go to school?" Sam wiggled his brows suggestively.

I looked into his dancing eyes and smiled. "Swallow those dirty thoughts Sam".


I walked into the school hallway, Sam's arm around me, my head raised up high, and my heels announcing our presence.

All heads whipped around and oohs erupted from the guys. The looks on their faces told me they liked what they were seeing. Some of the guys were whistling. One glare from Sam and they went quiet but continued when he looked away. A few girls smiled and waved. I smiled back feeling like a frickin celeb. I saw us being the school's power couple.

Most of the girls were focused on Sam though, they batted their lashes at him but of course he didn't spare them a glance.

From the opposite direction, Mirabel and her crew walked down. On reaching us they stopped. Mirabel eyed us, "Tsk tsk. You are getting too comfortable and it's getting on my nerves". She huffed and continued on her way. Her crew followed her after glaring at us but one girl stayed behind.

She smiled and added, "too comfortable". She then walked off.

I raised my brows at Sam and he shrugged.

"That one's got eyes like a fucking Tuna". Sam laughed. I smiled at him. If she had heard that she would've cried her eyes out for a new set.

The bell rang signalling first period. Everyone started leaving for their classes. Sam kissed my cheek and went ahead. "Later babe".

"See you".

I went to my locker to drop some things and pick up some. The moment I opened it, a piece of paper came flying out.

With an annoyed sigh I picked it up. What was written on it shocked me to no end.

It read;

Visions of you have filled my day and dreams of you have filled my night...


Secret admirer.