Chapter Thirty-four

I pulled the bed covers up to my chin and snuggled deeper in bed. For some unknown reason, my eyes flew open. The room was dark safe for the little streak of moonlight coming in from the open window.

What the actual hell! Bridget forgot to lock it and draw down the curtains. Since I slept first, she was supposed to take care of the window and I remembered telling her not to forget. I wanted to turn and tap her to go close the window but decided against it. It would be a waste of time, Bridget would never leave her sleep to do that. The earlier I did it myself, the better.

I closed my eyes for a moment and yawned sleepily only to open it and see a man in a black hood at the foot of the bed.

I could not scream. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. My hand reached out beside me to wake up Bridget but to my horror, the other side of the bed was empty. No Bridget.