Chapter Thirty-five

I came out from the house the next morning and let out a hiss as I saw Sam waiting outside for me.

"I'm here to apologise". It was easy to see that he had been restless. "I'm sorry, babe. I have no excuse but believe me, it was a mistake. That's all it was I swear. I was at my lowest moment, I noticed that the police has started watching me. And some kids in school accused me for what happened to Samson. I went to cool off and gather myself together. She came out of nowhere and threw herself at me. It's no excuse I know but she started it".

I scoffed, I couldn't believe I was actually listening to him. "Dad! Bridget! We'll be late".

"We're coming!" He yelled from inside before the door swung open. "I forgot to take— Do you have a death wish? How dare you come here after what you did?"

He bowed his head in shame.

Bridget snorted. "I also thought you were a great guy. Thanks for disappointing us".