
  In the morning John prepares himself to apply the great idea, he went to college as usual and studied like always until the day finished; you must be asking what's the idea, right? Well, John didn't come back home, he stayed there in a mechanical room to create a machine not which makes you travel in time because he doesn't need that, instead of it, makes you travel to thoughts; I know you're thinking this is impossible but with technology nothing is impossible and John is a very brilliant man when it's about machines. In this evening he is preparing for the machine, he is using what he studied and of course his imagination, information, researches to arrive to his target. A day follows a day John seems to be serious about the machine, he really wants it he is doing a great job, he's not giving up; when you see his miserable situation with his thoughts he won't think even about letting this idea go away. After a long time of hard work, it took John 3 years to finish his machine, it wasn't a simple thing add to what he was discovering while creating it, it was both creation and lessons to him, also he stopped a while to prepare his thesis to graduate, even if he could do the things together he chose not; but at the end he created the machine; like they say: "When we want, we can". After those years passed, John got his doctorate he's carrying on his studies, he is so brilliant.

Backing to the machine, John wants to use it immediately but not so fast, he should first see if it works correctly and for that he needs someone's help but he has no friends and he can't talk to anyone just because he needs him; well that means he has no choice except asking for help, he'll test it on himself but the machine needs who will control it, when it will start and especially to make you back from where it sends you; John has a problem now, that's only what is missing him, he totally forgot this detail when he was inventing the machine. John is lost, he was so excited and happy when he finished the machine and now everything flew away; for a moment he's back to his old depression, he is thinking about all the time he spent on it and all his hard work then decided to visit the person who has the most experience in this domain, he looks to his watch and finds it 9pm it's already night, he says to himself : "it's too late now he surely left his office and I can't just go like that to his house at this time, I should wait until tomorrow and by the way I should prepare a small speech, I don't know even how to talk with people and I never talked to him before even when he taught me" He went back home waiting for the sun to raise. The next morning he went directly to the man's office, he was not there; for a man who is found of machines and spent almost his life with, obviously won't be setting all the day in his office, they told John that he is in the room of machines. John went directly there without hesitating after they showed him the way, he arrives to a door he knocks but no answer so he opens the door a little; Well! Well! Well! He wasn't expecting that, it's a huge room under earth full of different machines, the machines didn't surprise John but the fact that there is a room like that and he didn't know about it that really surprised him, he stands with his mouth open and for a moment he forgot what he went for; suddenly he hears a voice :

• "John!!! What a surprise, what are you doing here? I don't have the habit to see you a lot especially in places like this.

• Huh?! Oh yeah, sorry professor HARRIS", John answers nervously and still surprised.

Mr. HARRIS has 56years old, he is the oldest professor in this domain for this college, he spent all his life with.

• "So what are you doing here? Have you lost your way?" Mr. HARRIS said.

• "N-No. Actually, I... I was... looking for you.

• Me?" Mr. HARRIS said

surprised because John doesn't attend people and he has no relation with him, he was only his teacher once.

• "Well!! What's the matter son?"

John gets closer to him and whispers in his ear nervously: "I fabricated a machine", the professor doesn't know if he'll believe him or not because this is not something easy it's a machine after all not a toy but also John is not from the kind who jocks, he is always serious. The professor says:

• "You're kidding me, right?

• No, I'm so serious. I invented a machine but I need your help to use it, I want to test it on myself but I need someone to switch it on and off.

• Where is it? Show it to me?" Mr. HARRIS answered and was excited.

John takes him to the machine's place, the professor was fascinated, he says to himself: "It's a real machine!!!! He wasn't kidding but how could a young man invent such a machine and when?!" He turns to him and says:

• "What does this machine do? It's for what? When did you fabricate it?

• It makes you travel to your thoughts and your imagination, perhaps have a journey in your brain, I think; this is what I made for; it's been three years now since i started it.

• How did you succed being so discreet? From where did you get this idea?

• I don't know, it just came to my mind and I made it real.

• Did you fabricate it alone?

• Yes.

• No one helped you?

• No one.

• Wow! I must admit it, you are a genius son even though it's hard to believe, someone with your age doesn't even get how the big machines work but invented one and which takes you to your own brain, wow! You are very special do you know that?

• Thank you sir but I...don't think that I deserve all this flatteries, it's just a machine.

• No, not a simple machine, I knew you were special when I was teaching you, I knew you were brilliant but I didn't expect this; I used to believe that you'll be something in the future and now, if this one works well and for what you said, I'm sure then that the world will hear about you. Now let's start and explore it".

Mr. HARRIS watches the machine and looks how it's fabricated, what did John use and how it's linked...etc; after all that, John told him how to use it and how it works, he explained to him all the big and small details then said:

• "Great! Now that you got it let's start.

• Who will test it?

• Me of course.

• Wait! What? You? No way, this is not a toy to play with, it may be dangerous and you are not up to, this is not your work, there are workers in that, this is why they are for.

• I don't know anyone and I can't wait until someone else explores it and this is my machine I won't let anyone use it before me. 

• You must be crazy John, you don't realise how dangerous it can be if it fails, I insist I won't let you do it I'm not helping you in this case".

John keeps silent for a moment then answers:

• "Fine! If you don't want to help I'm not going to oblige you but there is one thing that I'm sure about, I'm doing this with you or without you sir, the choice is yours."

The professor doesn't know what to do, he can't just let him do what is on the mind of this stubborn man, he can't also leave him take the risk.

• "The time is running away from us; what did you decide then professor?" John says.

• "You didn't leave me the choice but you have to know that you are the only one responsible of what will happen to you; if anyone knows I did that, it will be my end for sure.

• Don't worry professor, everything will be fine.

• Oh yeah! I hear this sentence every time a disaster is on the way to happen. God please be with us".

John puts himself on the chair, the professor attaches the necessary to John's body and head, after a moment of hesitation he turned the machine on hopping nothing bad will happen. And here John's journey begins, but will he really find what he is looking for? Will he travel to his thoughts? Will he understand himself and what happens in his mind after this trip? We'll discover it.