Everything turned to black in John's mind, he stopped of thinking, of working too; suddenly John begins feeling himself and seeing things. This is amazing and unbelievable what he is seeing, it's the out space; he is seeing all the planets that turn around the sun and how they orbit, the stars, the blank space; it's like a vision, a beautiful one, there is no word that can express the feeling out there, John was so happy, for the first time in his life he is satisfied by something or he likes something to this point, he feels like suddenly the luck is on his side; he begins talking to himself: "Wow! Very impressive! John this is your lucky day, look to all this, it's beautiful, amazing, I've never thought in my whole life that I'll see such a thing even in my dreams, incredible; I'm out of earth and without an oxygen suit or a rocket, I can't wait until I say this to the professor and everyone" John doesn't finish his sentence when the scene turns to black; now he's in blank turning and looking for a light, he panics and doesn't know what to do, how to go out of this and what's coming next, what will happen to him in a place that he doesn't know where it is, we can't call it a place even. Backing to the technique room, the professor is doing his job but has a terrible feeling about it, he doesn't know if it will work or how will it take, all he knows is that he can't turn the machine off before John wakes by himself because things may turn wrong; "I wish I found away to stop him, I wish I didn't do this, god please just make him back safe please", he was saying to himself nervously not knowing what he'll do, if he should carry on what he's doing alone or asks for help from his friends.
The next morning the professor couldn't do it alone he didn't sleep almost all night taking care of John's body but now he knows he can't do it alone ut may take him long and he needs to rest so he went to the most confidant persons he knows in college and told them about the machine and John and what they are doing, he asked for their help and they ended by agreeing, they didn't have the choice actually Mr. HARRIS was insisting also they couldn't risk John's life, they went to the technique room to help; once they were there they had the same reaction as Mr. HARRIS, surprised from how could a young man of 23years to do such a job, they admitted immediately that he's not like others; the professor explains what he understood about the machine's functioning, they try to talk to John but no response, he looks like a dead: not moving, not talking, not eating, not drinking, nothing he just lays in the chair. 02 days passes and there is no sign from the machine, john doesn't do any sign that he stills fine, the professors begin to worry about the situation not knowing what they'll do and afraid from the consequences if John dies, they risk their job and may go to jail too; the other professors are dominated by fear, they decide to quit and leave everything ; "we can't stay anymore professor we are sorry, we want to help but there is a lot of risk in what we are doing we're not allowed from the administration, if they discover this we will be fired" says one of them, then one of the workers comes to the room with hurry and worry, he says:
• "Mr. HARRIS! Mr .HARRIS! We're in trouble.
• What's wrong? What happened?" the professor answers.
• " John's father is here, he's asking about him, he has been absent for days and he's worry about him, he says that the last time he saw him he was leaving to school and then he's not back, we should do something".
Mr. HARRIS comes out to see Mr. COOPER; in his way, he is thinking about a lie to tell to justify John's absence.
• "Welcome Mr. COOPER, I'm Mr. HARRIS a professor, I taught your son years ago, how can I help you?
• Hi professor, so you know my son.
• Yes, he's one of my favourite students, he's brilliant.
• Happy to hear this; well I need your help, my son is lost since days, I waited because I thought he was in his friends' house and didn't want to come home because we have some problems but when I asked about him I found he doesn't have any friends so I came directly here maybe he stayed here to study in calm or I don't know, I didn't want to go to the police before being sure that he's really lost.
• Thank god you didn't go to the police, that would be for nothing. Actually I sent him out of the country to do researches; as you know Mr. COOPER your son got his doctorate and did an awesome job so I gave him a mission to develop his thesis; from what I found, your son is not as the others, he is smarter what took me to think about something that comes in his level, he's very good when it comes to machines maybe this way he'll be able to create some machines in the future.
• But he didn't tell me anything, he didn't warn me or tell me anything about a trip or going out of country, he didn't leave a message or a note or anything, he didn't take his affairs or his laptop and by the way you said you taught him once which means you're not his teacher now, are you?
• I... I'm...Uh...Yeah, in reality Mr. COOPER here in college when it's about doctorate and a brilliant student like your son, it doesn't matter if I'm his teacher or not, in this case we look for the best to the student and college in the same time".
The professor laughs at him trying to make his lie pass, in reality it's not really a lie but still; and to convince him more he adds:
• "And... you just said that... you have family problems, perhaps he didn't want to come home because of that, I can't tell what was going in your son's mind sir but don't worry he's fine and once he'll be back I'll tell him to come see you immediately, you just don't have to worry, I'm here.
• Okay, if...this is the case then fine, thank you...professor.
• Welcome sir".
Mr. William left seemed convinced somehow and the professor came back to the room; he has another problem, if the other professors leave him alone he'll be in trouble, he won't figure it out by his own, he says to them: "Listen friends, I know what we're doing is dangerous and I'm not asking for something easy, there is a lot of risks in this job but come on, we can't just leave the boy alone in the middle of the way, we can't abandon him so easily, what if he was a son of one of us? Add to that, we should admit that he did a great job by creating this machine also it's an experience for us, come on, why you just... focus on the negative side? What if it works and John backs safe? Can you imagine after? We'll have a new passion, a new mission, new researches; and if you look very good you'll find that this is what we've been doing since a long time, it's our job, we take the risks in every machine we use, when we test it on someone we shouldn't do any mistake that can end his life, it's exactly the same thing here the only difference is the administration has no idea about it and if you stay afraid from losing your jobs, I'm ready to take the responsibility of anything wrong may happen"; "Why can't we just stop the machine and make him back? Then we'll ask for the administration permission and test it on someone professional", said someone of them; "impossible, forget the idea", the professor answers and adds: "Firstly I promised John to stop only if something turns wrong also he wanted to test it by himself, he refused to let anyone experiences it before him, I can't back on my word and if i understood right if we stop it just like that John may not wake up I'm afraid". The professors sigh and look at each other seem convinced a little and end up by accepting to stay and help.
Now let's carry on what's happening with John while all these events happened, he stills setting in the black blank not knowing what to do, where he is or where to go, he really begins to panic, when he hears a voice, he looks where the source of the voice comes from and swims in the empty to reach it, he suddenly sees a vision of his mom talking to him, he looks carefully and sees himself when he had 3years, memories of his mom when he was a child and all they've been doing together, how she used to take care of him and how happy he was pass in front of him, obviously John tries to avoid all those old memories that he archived in his mind and never wanted to think about it another time because that makes him very sad and hates his mom more and more but he couldn't avoid it, it's stronger than him; so John now is in a small part of his brain which is his memory and of course he doesn't know this, he's just focusing on what he's seeing and tears fall from his eyes, he remembers the most painful feelings he had ever and the most painful moments of his life, he remembers what he lost: mom's affection, family and happiness. After his memories with his mom a short documentary of his life passes, he got like a resume of all what he lived, what he did and how he acted with people around him, he saw that he was exaggerating in avoiding people and refusing them just because he was afraid of deception; now he's really confused from his past and his present and what could be his future, he gets the idea that he should change and doesn't do the same mistake again but he stills dominated by his feelings, he doesn't know what he should do anymore; when the heart takes the lead, the brain quits; he really needs to get help and someone to talk to, to have an advice; after all, he didn't have a lot of experience in his life to figure every situation out, right he's brilliant but he is dominated by feelings when it comes to take choices about his life; being dominated by feelings and being wise in the same time, can never ever happen.
The illustration changes again and John realises that he's out of the memory part after he realized that he was in the memory part but doesn't know where he moves, everything is going fast between his eyes, he doesn't get anything or have a clear illustration, it passes and disappears immediately and finally the situation where John is, ends to find himself in an empty place, I must admit that John's trip won't be easy at all. After John has been in black, now he's in white not completely white but it's so clear that it almost blinds eyes, John begins to feel that he has enough and doesn't want to carry on anymore, he's tired before even his real trip begins because all what happened is only the beginning.