Chapter 4:

• "Welcome John!" he hears a voice suddenly.

• "Who's there?

• Brain is talking, I'm your companion all along your life, I'm your guide and I help you to make choices and decisions and all what I tell you to do is based on logic.

• Logic? You must be kidding me. Do you think making me act with people that way because I'm not lucky to have such a mother and being afraid from getting hurt is logic?

• Don't misunderstand me John, I clearly said "help you", there is negative thoughts and pessimism doing a role in this too, I'm not the only one who tells you what to do; only, I tell you how should things be and you choose who you want to listen to, me or the negative thoughts that interrupt us every time we talk about your life's choices, also don't forget emotions, heart tells you what to do too and with this mix it's up to you to choose the right from the wrong.

• Well! You're the brain, right? So you have to control everything. And by the way, why should they exist? I mean...heart, feeling, emotions, negative thoughts and whatever? Why just can human have what commands it which means you brain and enough?

• It's a good remark John, let's take an example, a long time ago when people started to create computers, there were no computer without viruses, so it's like the computers of that time; there is no perfection in everything, but, there is antivirus that stops viruses from damaging the computer, there is no problem without a solution.

• I got that the viruses are the negative thoughts, emotions with some way, but what is the antivirus?

• Consciousness John, consciousness; it always tells you what's right according to how you are and stops you from what is wrong.

• So! Where is my consciousness then? Why didn't it stop me? Oh wait...yeah right, even my consciousness is wrong; it too doesn't know the right from the wrong.

• You still don't get it John, the powerful thing in humans is feelings; if you kill someone's feelings you kill his humanity with it. There is no dangerous person than someone who has nothing to lose, and convinced yourself that nothing stayed and you have nothing to lose so you're almost like them, yet you missed a lot; you had your father who loves you a lot, your stepmother tried to do her best to make you feel the love you were missing, there were the people who tried to talk to you and you returned them disappointed.

• I...I'm...just...It's...drop it, I don't want to talk about it.

• You still can't face the topic, you still not ready to fight your feelings".

John tries to leave the white and looks for a way to go away from where he is; he walks and walks and walks, the road doesn't end, it doesn't seem even like a road, he just want to get rid of that conversation that pisses him off. Feelings can build someone's personality if they are in his favour, but once they are against him they destroy him especially a weak one; only someone who can control his feelings can figure it out.

• "Don't try to be smart with me John, it won't work at all, after all I'm your brain I know everything that turns in your head in another sentence what is turning in me; even if you are in me don't forget I'm in you, I still know what you are thinking.

• Hold on, I didn't get anything; me in you? You in me?

• You travelled to your brain which is me so you're inside me and you still have a brain you think with which is also me so I'm inside you, with this way you're in me and I'm in you. It's philosophic.

• Yeah, very philosophic.

• My point is not that, I just wanted to tell you that you can't hide anything from me ever, that means I know you're trying to run away from me but this is not going to work at all in your whole life not only in this trip, what is fortunately for you.

• I'm not really convinced by this "fortunately".

• Oh come on John, I still active 24/24 hours, I never ever stop, I think, I be faster than possible, you use me I obey, I give you ideas, I help you in studies, I make you a brilliant, without me you'd never build that machine, you will not be alive without me, I'm the strongest organ in your body, at least appreciate my hard working for you.

• Okay, I'm sorry".

Then he hears voices in the background singing: "is it too late now to say sorry? Cause I'm missing more than just your body..."

• "; you really must be kidding me; are you serious?" he says surprised and angry in the same time.

• "This is the music part John.

• I'm going insane. Anyway, just...tell me how to get the hell out of here, I'm sick of it, I'm done.

He hears for the second time the voices: "I'm not gonna sit here wasting mine on you yeah you ciaos adios I'm done..." This makes John boil from anger, he tries to keep it to himself and before he says anything brain says:

• "You had a target when you came here, didn't you?

• I don't care about a target or anything, it's more complicated than it was before; what was I thinking about when I decided to do this?" he says to himself whispering.

• "Understanding yourself, your thoughts; that's what you were thinking then.

• Oh yeah right, understanding myself, and now I don't even understand what I used to understand then, I can't distinguish the real from the imagination, I don't know even if I'm really living this, am I going to remember this? Am I feeling really? Or it's imaginary? Listen, just make me out of here, tell me how to get back, that's all what I'm asking.

• You fabricated the machine, you knew how you came so you know how to get back.

• Oh no! I told the professor to stop it just in case something went wrong; damn, I'm stuck here.

• Relax John, it's not a big deal, with this way we'll spend a little time together".

He answers sarcastically: "Yeah right, just me and you, we'll have time together, I'm sure we're going to have a lot of fun", then he turns serious: "We spent 19 years together, since I had 4 I didn't stop thinking not even for a while, I spent 19 years alone with you and you're telling me "we'll spend a little time together?". Suddenly he finds himself in front of a crossroad but he doesn't know since it's only white so Brain explained to him that he's in front of a crossroadhe can't see and he has to take a path, he sighs and says:

• "Now what?

• Turn left".

"Turn right, turn right, turn right." Strange voices say.

• "And what is this exactly?

• This is the negative thoughts that interrupt us every time."

"Turn right, turn right, turn right, turn right" the voices say faster and louder so they make a pression on John till he can't focus. "John don't listen to them it's the wrong way" brain tells trying to make him listen but he couldn't hear it because of the other voices, he finds himself in a pressure that he can't handle and ends up by turning right.

• "Oh my god brain, I thought my head will explode, what was all of that?

• You ended by choosing the wrong way, you listened to them instead of me.

• Being in such a pressure and you're telling me to listen to you? I didn't think even, all what was turning in my head is getting rid of that noise.

• Now you understand how it works, it happens every time you're on the way to take a decision, I tell you what is logic but you choose who you want to listen to.

• Okay I got it, I'm wrong and it's my own fault, I'll stop blaming you, fine?"

And then, everything has been silent; it becomes kind of black while John is walking so he stops to get what's going on again, he gets the impression that it's definitely something not good, it's kind of his "experience" now, since he came into his brain he hadn't meet anything good or anything that made him happy; he sighs and says: "Now, what?" then he realize that everything is quiet.