"Brain?! Brain?! Answer me, where are you? What's happening here? Braaaiiin?" He calls his brain shouting but no answer, then he adds: "If this...is a kind of your jokes or whatever of your bullshits keep it for your own, don't think to do anything silly because I'm not in a mood for that". While he was saying that he sees something, he looks like a person; John was surprised but happy in the same time because since he's been in his trip he didn't meet anyone, he was totally alone with only the voices that he kept hearing, it's right that John used to stay alone and didn't attend people but being in such a place and alone is pretty scary; so John follows the person he saw trying to talk to him: "Hey! Hello! I'm not going to hurt you, wait!" He arrives to the place where he saw the thing and finds nothing; he turns to find the thing standing right behind him, he shouts in shock: "Oh shit! Oh my god you scared me" He catches his breath and resumes: "Who are you? What are you doing here? How did you get here? Did you use the machine to follow me?" but the thing doesn't answer, he just looks at him with a scary look and start to go away; the young man says annoyed while he follows it again: "Wait! I'm talking to you at least answer me and don't leave this ... way" And here was a surprise waiting for John but what is sure is that the surprise is not a good one at all, in reality it's a very bad one, he is now surrounded by a lot of persons but they don't seem like normal persons, they fly add to that they look scary and weird, they begin to turn around the man. Nothing is clear in that place, John starts to lose control on himself, he's terrified now that he realized that he is surrounded by spirits; he's living a serious horror movie; after trying to think and find away to get out of this situation, he just runs away and yells, he lost his colour and almost his mind; he keeps running and running and running without looking behind him until he fell into a pipe that he doesn't see and yells again louder than before "oh shit! Shit! Shit!" .When John is having this awful experience in his brain, his body is been shaking in the machine room; it's the first time his body moves after his trip, the professor panics from what he sees because John wasn't responding to anything since the beginning he even doesn't feel hangry or thirsty since his body has been linked to the machine's chair and now suddenly he's shaking like he got a heart attack.
• "John? John? Can you hear me? What's going on?" he says with panic.
• "We don't know, something is going wrong for sure, we're here since days and nothing happened but suddenly without seeing this coming he began to shake" a professor answered.
• "We need to know what happens and stop it immediately before anything bad happens to him or we're going to lose him" another professor says.
• "No way to lose him, I'm not letting this happen" Mr. HARRIS tells.
After a moment of panic, the body stops shaking and backs to his nature; the professors look to the body with a little relief, their hearts almost stopped beating from panic, they were scared to death maybe more than was John when he saw the spirits.
Talking about John, he's trying to catch his breath and relax after he arrived to the end of the pipe and got back to the white.
• "John?
• Oh damn! You scared me" he answers terrified then adds:
• "Brain, where have you been for god's sake?
• I lost the signal.
• You lost the signal? Are you making fun of me?
• I was out of control, you were in the place responsible of keeping the horror movies you used to watch and your imagination keeps those things exists for that you saw them; when you were there you were so panicked that I couldn't contact you, even if you're in me you still control me and I'm still affected by your feelings and your experiences so it's blocking the signal from getting to you and if you remember I stopped you from choosing that way but you didn't listen to me.
• I couldn't, those voices were killing me, I was in pain and the only way I found is to do what they were saying to make them shut up and give me a rest.
• You were running away, that's all what you do in your life.
• We're getting in that conversation again. Don't talk to me.
• Why don't you just face the reality?" Brain said so John answers furious and his eyes full of tears:
• "I'm not ready okay? I'm a coward, I can't face my problems, I just run away, yes this is my best way to face them, I get afraid from getting hurt, I stay away of people just to avoid getting hurt, this is me and I don't want to change, I don't want to live the love experiences or fun experiences or whatever it is, I just want to stay alone in peace without anyone or anything to bother me; no one can understand, you can't understand, you're just a brain made by god and his job is to think and give orders, ideas or whatever but you're not made to feel only heart can feel but it doesn't feel me it just keeps tearing me apart, everyone thinks I'm happy and my life is easy but no one knows what's going on. Just...don't make me emotional again.
• It is right I don't feel but I can understand what you're saying, I just do the best for you.
• Don't talk to me anymore about the right and the wrong and the choices.
Then he hears: "We don't talk anymore, we don't talk anymore, we don't talk anymore like we used to do..." and he says: "Everything waits until I be in a horrible mood then it hits on my nerves" He hears again: "Lucky to have this curves ah yeah yeah yeah, stuck hitting on my nerves ah yeah yeah yeah..." Brain says after this:
• "It's the...
• ...Music part, yeah I got it but will it sing like this every time I get angry to make me more anger?
• Not every time you get angry but it's every time you say a word or a sentence that reminds you of a song you used to listen to and by the way, i must admit that your taste is so old and aweful.
• Wonderful, amazing, wow; I'm impressed, first full it was the horror movies I used to watch, now the songs I used to listen to, then what? The books I used to read? Or the things I used to search about? And my taste is none of your business, it's like you don't listen to it when i do" John answers sarcastically.
• "It's not kind of you John, you hurt my feelings.
• Hh yeah right, it's like you have feelings.
• You're right but I can distinguish that this is not kind of you to make fun of me, I'm exceptional you won't find like me wherever you search.
• Mmmm right, I won't find someone like you or I should say a brain like you because you are not a "someone"".
Then he hears again: "Never mind I'll find someone like you, I wish nothing but the best for you..." He sighs angry, closes his eyes and tells:
• "Here we go again. Keep me busy or I'm going to destroy that part, it doesn't know when to play music and when not and the most important thing is that it doesn't get the fact that my mood in person is already in a horrible mood so it should really not play with me or I'll create a bomb immediately right here, explode that part and have a rest, uuuuuuhhhh.
• Okay chill out, I was just saying that the brains are all different you'll find those who have similar things but you'll never find the same in two different persons with this way every brain is unique and exceptional, I wasn't flattering myself when I said I'm exceptional.
• I got your point of view.
Now what?
• I don't know, it's up to you to decide.
• I'm lost, I don't know what to do anymore; I think I will just walk again and I hope this time I won't finish in front of spirits, seriously living in my head sucks; my life is really a mess".