Chapter 9:

The reunion ends and everyone gets to his work. The professor takes John from his hand and says: "We have a lot to talk about it but first of all, how did you come back? Did they stop the machine? Because I forbidden them from that". Talking about how did John open his eyes, it's the last part from his trip; backing to John's mind when he was thinking about what he did to his father.

• "You'll find yourself in a crossroad again John so remember to be stronger than the voices and choose the middle road this time.

• This means I'll find more than two roads this time, it's becoming difficult over and over.

• This is life my dear, don't forget to focus".

But John didn't focus on anything only the illustration of his father dying that he saw before, he arrives to the crossroad and didn't notice, even the voices which used to bother him and make a pression on him to stop him choosing the right way didn't affect him at all, in fact he was like a zombie, just walking; this time he finished by choosing the middle as his brain said but he did it by coincidence. After few minutes he backs to his mind, he doesn't really know which road he picked and obviously talks to his brain to get what happens:

• "Brain? Can you hear me?

• Congrats, you chose the right way this time.

• Really? Does this mean I'm out of it?"

And it turns silent again, he sighs and adds: "I thought I chose the right way so everything will be normal, no? Why did you lose the signal again?" He sighs again: "Uh, I think I'll carry on alone from here...again" He walks confident that nothing will happen. After few steps he sees the illustration of his mother again then he said annoyed: "Oh god, not you again" But the illustration of his mom was not the only one, he finds himself in a circle surrounded by his mom, his dad, the professor, classmates and everyone looks at him and laughs.

-Mother: Look at you John, you are useless hhhhhhh Who will love someone like you tell me? If I, your mother leaved you who do you think will stay with you and love you? Poor you hahahaha.

-Father: I've been handling you for years; you are the worst son that anyone could have ever, I've never loved you and I will never do hahahaha.

-The professor: You think your experience will work and everyone will hear about you and you'll be famous and loved? Well, I'll make sure that this will never ever happen hahahaha.

-Classmates: No one loves you John, you are the most hated person ever in the galaxy not only in the planet hhhhhh, no one of us wants to talk to you or to know you, you suck and no one will enjoy your company hahahaha.

This words are repeating around John; these are his fears, this is all what hurts John in his life, what he has been thinking that people thinks about him and gets hurt every time he thinks about it and now he find himself face to face with his fears; he sighs, his eyes full of tears and says: "That damn brain, he did it by purpose, he made me choose this way, what was it saying? "I'm always here for you, I'll never cheat you" and what do I see? That brain drove me to my nightmares, I'll kill him after this finishes".

• "You see John? I told you, you are nothing, you're going to spend the rest of your life alone with pain, you will live with pain forever and no one will help you or make you figure it out, hhhhh I'll spend the rest of my life laughing at you and your miserable situation and luck, I feel petty for you hhhhh."The illustration of the mother said

John controls himself, stops his tears, laughs at her and says: "This is not going to work anymore woman, this time it's not your lucky time, it's mine; I spent all these years blaming myself and saying that you left me because of me, that I'm not good enough to be your son but I was wrong, you...are not good enough to be my mother; and for everyone else, I know this is not true, it's only my fears; my dad loves me too much and he will never stop loving me I know it and the professor is like my dad, it's right I didn't used to talk to him and I don't know him but I know him enough to know that he will never say such a thing and about my classmates, maybe there are who thinks that but I don't care because we didn't born to please everyone and I'm sure those who'll get to know me will love me for what I am; and finally, about you... I don't care anymore, I spent 19 years being sorry to lose you but that was too much, you don't deserve it and from now and on I'm not letting you coming to my life and ruin it again. I promise you, I will recover what I lost from laughing, living, loving, caring, making friends...etc I'm happy to inform you that I blindly believe in myself and I'm never letting you let me down again. Goodbye" With this words everything disappears and John opens his eyes, it was his last test and the key to come back to the real world, he passed it with success, he faced his fears.

Now that he is with the professor and his father, he promised the professor to tell him every detail about his journey and make them part of his experience not immediately, he wants to spend time with his dad. The next day he came just because he promised the professor so he told them about his trip from the beginning; what he did see, how it was inside, the parts that he has been in, how he took the decisions, the music part that used to bother him and all of this; the professors were so fascinated and liked it that they wanted to try the machine too; and with that, John left the school for 02 weeks, he spent them with his father and stepmother recovering the family love that he lost years ago. But of course John's work is not finished, he still has his doctorate; he came to college as usual. In his way a girl stops him:

• (Nervous) "John...Hi...I'm Helene, I... Actually...I just need your help if you don't mind.

• (surprised) My help?

• Yeah...everyone knows how brilliant you are and know that you don't like to talk to people too hhh but I...need you to help me in my thesis. Everyone advised me to not come to you won't agree at all but...I...took the risk, I hope...I won't be disappointed.

• Don't expect anything from anyone because you'll get back surely disappointed.

• (looks disappointed) Okay, I'm...sorry and...Thanks for your time, have a nice day.

She turned to leave and hears him says: "It's your lucky day; I'll meet you tomorrow at 3p.m" Then he leaves, she yells at him happily:

• "Thank you.

• You're welcome"

In his way he meets Mr. SMITH:

• "Good morning sir, how are you?

• Good morning John, I was looking for you; to my office, now".

John panics, the whole way he was searching if he did anything wrong again and what could be the reason why the rector is looking for him in person, they arrive to the office and take a sit.

• "Well, John as you know you are forbidden to turn arround machines for a year.

• And did you see me around any machine sir?

• No I didn't, don't worry I didn't bring you here to punish you or blame you.

• reassure me.

• Mr. HARRIS came to me and made me part of your experience, he told me a little about your behaviour before and I heard your conversation with the girl this morning; as I see, I guess your experience changed you, I didn't see the things clearly but I hope it's the case.

• Actually, it did, I myself feel so different but surely better than I used to feel.

• Happy to hear that, the reason why I brought here is to tell you that I cancelled your punishment but...I say clearly but instead of it you'll have a red warning which means a small mistake will end your relation with machines. I want to make some points clear:

1. the future, you got an idea, you come to me before you decide to do it and ask for permission.

2. If I give you the permission, you'll get help from the professionals.

3. If you'll create anything, you will not test it first and you may not test it at all. I was just kidding, you'll test but after making sure that it's secure.

4. And finally, if you cross the will be your end. Am I clear?

• Yes...sir, very clear, thank you a lot sir.

• Now, have a nice day".

John went running very happy looking for Mr. HARRIS but he wasn't in college that day so he left him a letter to thank him about all what he did for him.

Now John has changed and became a better person, he crossed his fears and begins to live as he should, he learns to love, to have friends, to express his feelings and the most important, now he understands himself better, a simple idea changed a boy's life. And when I said life doesn't stop on people thoughts, it's really the case, it does what it has to do, at the end you'll find that is the best for you, just have faith in god's decisions and be strong to fight the problems.

                                                        The end.