Chapter 8:

While John is thinking about his father, the father is thinking about his son too, he's more nervous than he was before, all what did the professor to convince him didn't work for a long time; now a month passed since his son didn't come home, he tried to call him but he couldn't reach him, all the bad ideas and thoughts are passing in his mind, he keeps thinking that what if something bad happened to him and he didn't know? What if his son needs him but he is not there for him? He couldn't handle anymore so he decided to go to college for the last time before he goes to the police and indeed he went to his son's college and asked to see the rector, obviously the rector was too busy that he refused to see him and asked him to fix an appointment to that but Mr. COOPER refused to leave and insisted to see him; when the rector heard that it's about a student of his college who disappeared and police may get involved in this, he left everything behind him and accepted to see the father.

• "Good morning sir, I'm William COOPER, John's father; I don't know if you know my son" The father spoke.

• "Good morning Mr. COOPER, I'm Robin SMITH the rector of this college, how can I help you?

• Actually Mr. SMITH my son didn't come home since a month, I tried to call him thousands times but for nothing, now I begin to worry more.

• And what does this have to do with this college Mr. COOPER?

• (rises his voice)What do you mean? Of course it has what to do with your college, you sent him out of the country for his studies and no one sent me a warning about any trip or he's going to be absent and now you're telling me what does this have to do with you?

• What are you talking about mister? Which trip? We didn't send anyone out of country this year, not yet.

• What? I met a professor here days ago called Mr. HARRIS, he told me that my son is very talented and he sent him out of the country to do researches that is of his level.

• Mr. Harris said that? I have no idea of what you are talking and I don't think anything of these has happened sir because I'd know about it surely, I'll call the professor HARRIS to clear things".

Mr. SMITH calls his secretary and sends her to call the professor, she went to his work place but she didn't find him there; as it seems no one knew he changed his place of working only his mates so she went to look for him in other places. When she almost got where he and John are, one of the workers noticed her before she gets there and stops her from getting into the room else they'll know about John and the machine.

• "Miss, how can I help you?

• I'm looking for the professor HARRIS, is he here?

• What's the matter? Is everything okay?

• The rector wants to meet him, apparently a parent of a student came to reclaim about his son's absence and it has something to do with the professor.

• Oh! I got it, you...can get back to your work and I'll tell the professor to join you immediately.

• Okay, make sure he won't be late".

Then she leaves and the worker rushes to the professor.

• "Professor, now we really are in a serious trouble and no one can help us.

• Now what? What can be worse?

• John's father is here but what is worse is that he is in Mr. SMITH's office and they are asking for your presence there.

• What...the...hell? All what is missing me now is John's father, oh John what did you put me in? Make sure everything will be fine and don't let anyone gets here".

The professor leaves to join the couple of men who are waiting for him, now he really doesn't have any lies to make himself pass because this time the rector is in. He arrives to the office but he didn't knock directly, he was hesitating and nervous because he knows that he can't hide the topic anymore but he finished by knocking and get in.

• "Good morning gentlemen, you wanted to see me Mr. SMITH?

• Yes professor. This is Mr. COOPER, I guess you met him before, right?

• Uh...yes...Mr. COOPER, of course...he is the father of a brilliant student.

• So you know his son too?

• Sure, I...taught him once, he is something else.

• And...Mr. COOPER is saying that his son has been absent for a month and when he came to look for him you told him that you sent him out of the country, is that true?

• (nervous) reality sir, his son is..."

And here Mr. William interrupts losing his patience and shouting: "The reality is that my son is missing and you don't know where he is, do you? And you want to hide the topic to stop me from calling the police by pretending that you sent him out of the country and add to all of that, the rector pretends to not have any idea about the student's missing but I call this a lack of professionalism so I'm going right now to police's office and make all of you in jail, do you get that?" The 02 men are trying to stop him from doing anything stupid but he doesn't listen and gets out of the office with the men are following him behind, while he is walking furious and angry someone grabs him from his hand and says: "Wait" Mr. William turns to him and without noticing who is grabbing him he says: "Whoever you are, get lost, I have nothing to do with you" and carries on his way for seconds then stops and shock is clear on his face, he turns and realises that his son is the one who was stopping him, he rushes to him and hugs him tightly with tears in his eyes, he was so happy to see him and so was John.

• "Oh my god John, where have you been? I looked for you everywhere and I was so afraid that anything bad happened to you.

• I'm really sorry dad, I shouldn't disappear like that without warning you, I'm really sorry.

• It's okay, it's okay, the most important now is you came back and you are safe, I really miss you.

• I miss you too dad".

The professor was watching them, he was happy that John saved him from what was going to happen and in the same time was surprised because he didn't see this one coming, I mean he just left him in the machine room laying on a chair without moving or giving a sign of life and now he is standing in front of him like nothing happened.

After all this father and son reuniting, the mix of the feeling and all the stuffs, they reunite in the rector's office to solve the problem and know what happened, then John told them the story from the beginning and the machine he created, the fact he obliged the professor to help him without the according of the administration and keeping this a secret; his father was surprised by what did his son, after all it's not given to anyone to create a machine and in the age of 23 but Mr. SMITH isn't pleased by this story at all.

• "Mr. HARRIS how could you let something like this happen and without my permission too? Don't you know what can be the consequences if anything went wrong? You played with a student's life? You are old and wise enough to know this thing, how could you agree?

• Sir it's...

• It's not Mr. HARRIS' mistake sir, if there is anyone to blame here, it's me; I obliged him, I didn't leave him the choice, all he wanted to do is to help me and protect me in the same time.

• Protect you? Are you kidding me John? He put your life in danger and the college's future too, don't forget that if anything happened to you because of that will make the college lose its reputation, and don't think that you'll get out of this one because you'll be punished and so do all the professors who helped you.

• Sir please, can I have a word with you? Alone?

• Fine".

Mr. HARRIS and Mr. COOPER went out to let them talk alone.

• "Look sir, I understand you very good and I realise how danger was the situation and all of it but seriously, I'm the only one to blame here, they didn't do anything, I was the stubborn one and didn't give them options, I had family problems and emotion problems but I'm not trying to make excuses to forgive me or anything, I did it and I assume; all what I'm trying to say is because of my problems with emotions and people and whatever I fabricated the machine that makes you travel to thoughts and I couldn't wait until someone else tries it, I was in a miserable situation that I lost faith in everything so I couldn't trust anyone to try it for that I'm begging you sir, please don't punish them, I'll do whatever you want just forgive them; also they are brilliant, they are the most knowing one in the college so if you expel or stop them from what they know to do it will be a big loss to this college and you know it.

• Fine. Then you are forbidden from being near to machines for a year, I don't want to see you around the machines' rooms or trying to use any machine or all what has a relation with it; and for the professors I'll  just give them a warning this time.

• What? One year away of machines? Sir don't you see that it's too much? Come on sir, I whole life is machines, it's the only thing that makes me alive and you want to take it from me?

• You just said that you'll assume so assume and remember that I didn't punish a dozen of people for you, in this case the punishment should be tougher.

• I agree in this...but...we are in 2071, you can't imagine someone without using a machine right? Especially the one who is found of them, and what if I got a great idea?

• The answer stills no and don't try because you are not changing my mind, you did convince me to not expel the professors but nothing will work now.

• Sir please, what...if...I got an idea that may be good for humanity? I may help people, save their lives or something from this kind.

• John, look for a new pass time son, it's over and full stop".

The rector goes out to announce the news to the men who are waiting for them; John gets really upset because him and machines is a love story then he remembers his experience and his conversation with his brain "You are a real brilliant when you learn to be good in the things you are bad in, not when you are born brilliant" so he decides to be optimistic; It seems that his experience was not for nothing. He follows Mr. SMITH and listens to their conversation:

• "Well, I decided to forgive the professor because John is ready to take the responsibility, instead of that it's forbidden to John to approach any machine for a year, he is grounded.

• What? Excuse me sir but did you forgot what did this young man create? How could you forbid him from getting close to machines? We will need him for sure, this will be a big loss for him, the college and humanity" Mr. Harris said then John interrupts: "It's okay Mr. HARRIS, I deserve to be punished and maybe this way I'll find a new passion".