Weve all endured loss
It's as if someone cut into your chest
And rips out a piece of your heart
Leaving it hollow
It's as if someone takes a knife
And cuts into your lungs
So breathing seems impossible
It's the most unbearable pain
Until you realize
At least when someone dies
The pieces are taken
And you learn to live without them
And live with less
Until you realize
That the hardest loss you can feel
The hardest pain you can endure
Is losing someone
And seeing them everyday
It's as if the pieces
The ones they stole
Are hanging around their necks
As a sort of taunting trophy
I've felt loss
Loss from the ones closest to me
All who took pieces of me
But the hardest pain I have to feel
Is watching you walk happily
And live your life freely
While my heart and breath
Is carelessly chained to you
The hardest pain
Is watching you be happy
While all I feel
Is the loss of you