Who am I?

As graduation nears

And as school comes to an end

I sit and wonder

Who i really am

As I inch closer

To the big 1 8

And continue to age

I sit and wonder

Who I really am

As I lose ones I love

And become distant

From those who love me

I sit and forget

Who I really am

I stare at my phone

Puzzled by my familiar habits

And as I delete my past

I sit and forget

Who I really am

Or is that really me?

After every action I take

I ask myself

And try to piece together

Who I really am

As I go through loss

And as I go through change

I sit and wonder

Am I losing or shaping

Who I really am

It's a part of life they say

You'll lose those who're unfit

And gain those who are

It's a part of life

To seek maturity

Even when those around you won't

It's a part of life

To take time and find yourself

And give childish habits a break

It's okay to move on

And to cut ties

It's okay to find yourself

And to stop finding everyone else

So as i sit and wonder

Who I really am

I realize i may not know

But there's no better time than now

To focus on who I really am