The Capture

"Come on everyone!" a soldier shouted.

We were meeting the Sahara Desert again at dawn. We had more soldiers this time than the last time. I looked at Glenn. Glenn smiled. "It's going to be okay. You survived last time."

Shooting sounds cried. "Duck!" Waxer shouted. Bullets passed by us. "Kill them!!" many people shouted. I got my rifle loaded.

Shooting sounds blared all over the place. Men flipped and fell. I got my rifle and hammered in the ammunition. I shot my gun and men died. I later moved from the spot. I crouched and faced my rifle. Cars blew up. Smoke filled the air, and the river turned the color of red. "Move! Move!" men shouted. Bullets zoomed through the air, trying to pierce into my skin. I looked around the place. There had to be some kind of place to hide. Then, my leg pounded. My leg burned so bad I even collapsed.

"Target down!" a man shouted. "Agggh!!" I shouted in pain.

A bunch of men started coming up to me. My eyes started to dim; then it closed.


I opened my eyes. It was a dark room, more like a cave actually. Was I back at the camp? Where was I? I tried to get up, but my leg burned very badly. I couldn't move. German men came with a man with a bushy beard and a hat. That man. That man, the leader of the group, that chased me, Glenn, and Gwen thirteen years ago. "Aha! You must be that clever boy that escaped from the camp, ay?" he chuckled. "We came to retrieve you." I said with clenched teeth, "You're not retrieving anyone here." The bushy man laughed. "Is that so." He went closer to me. "Well, let me tell you something. It will not be so."

My face crumbled more in disgust. "Well, might as well introduce myself. I'm Commander Elias, owner of the German camp." He snapped to his guards behind him and they left. "Not to mention that we have friends that would be joining you." I saw Glenn and Chief being held tightly in the arms. "What kind of devil are you?" I said. My anger inside boiled. The only reason I didn't attack is because of my leg. The guards dropped Glenn and Chief to the floor. "We wouldn't want to keep you alone."

I looked around very confused. "Why are we trapped here?" I asked. Chief looked at me. Hopelessness was written all over his face. "Well, this guy is now getting paid to capture free Americans. Especially the soldiers."

Glenn added, "After this week, he's going to give us to people who will reward them with riches. In this case, that callous commander will get double the money he gets from the camp." I looked at Glenn and Chief. I viewed my leg next. Glenn looked at too. "Tyrant, what in the world happened?" he asked. "I got shot. That's how I got trapped here."

Glenn sighed. He scooted himself closer. "Remember yesterday when I was almost killed by a German?" I nodded. "And you said that I needed a medic." I looked at him, and laughed. Glenn laughed too. "Hey," Chief said. We both stopped laughing and looked at him. "They didn't take my walkie talkie."

I'm pretty sure Chief called Commander Waxer. "Sir! We're trapped! We need help, we're in a cave!"

"All right, no worries we'll be able to help ya soon enough!"

"Yes sir!"

Chief put away his walkie talkie. "They're coming. They must be coming."