Chapter 35

"Sorry I'm late." Lichen jogged up to them, dressed in clothing similar to theirs, long pink hair up in a loose knot atop her head. 

She immediately slipped into her professional mannerisms as soon as she apologized, nodding when they went on attention and greeted her.

"At ease, Trainees." She said to them, hands held behind her back. "We have a long road ahead of us, you were not only born with wings which are prioritized over legs but you come from generations of wing users so building up muscle that's not in your wings will be hell and it'll hurt like it too."

They remained quiet and listened intently to their Trainer, even Orchid didn't mind the twins, they were nice people, she could instinctively tell the first time she laid her eyes on them and they had done nothing but prove her right.

"My job is to solely teach you to improve on your movement, be it running or climbing or swimming." She paced slightly.