Chapter 36

At half point, Lichen spoke up again, like a dreaded timer. "Well done, Trainees, we're going to speed up again." She informed them in her level voice.

The Trainees were barely keeping up at this point, Orchid and Poppy falling to the back of the group, Aster behind them, the Water Fairy couldn't show his disinterest anymore than he already was but it was notable that he was the only one not panting.

Eden, Lily and Daisy ran ahead, tunics plastered to their bodies from perspiration.

They were now slow running, Lichen showing no signs of faltering while the Heroes were already well into different stages of ruin, the level ground made the run easier but not by far, their bodies were barely healed from the last run but they bore it and pushed forward.

Lichen quietly glanced behind her when they were nearing the next quarter, they had only a quarter to go and then they would be back at the mouth of the training grounds, just at the edge of the open space.