Yeah about the fall


I fell reading the note I got from Dave and I landed on top of him, and we just laid there for a while looking at each other I still am in shock that he likes me I wonder what he thought about my note


The note I got from Joel was amazing though the part about his sexuality shocked me, but the fact that he liked me of all people that is insane I think as I'm laying under Joel because we were paying closer attention to the letters from each other and I look up at him and smile but I don't say anything then Joel looks at me and smiles, and he leans to my face then our lips met and when Joel realized what he was doing he pulled away, "I am sorry is that to far" he said I was sad he pulled away Joel looks embarrassed so I said, "hey it's ok come on let's get up and go to my room"


So, we walk into Dave's room, and he said,, "so when did you start liking me?" He asked so I take a deep breath and say, "sense I have come here to help you out a little while after that, I started to realize that I cared about you more than a friend, and that you mean the entire world to me and I honestly don't know what I would do if anything ever happened to you care and are hilarious" i meant every word I just said I just hope Dave knows that


After what Joel said about me I told him "awe thank you that means a lot to me and I really care about you and you are always there for me and well you are really cute"


At what Dave said I did something I never thought I would do and said, "Dave will you be my boyfriend," I said with very little confidence, but then he looks me in the eye and said, "I would love to" and we just stared at each other for a while, and then I lay him down on to his bed and Dave started to laugh, and then I put my hands by his head and Dave stopped laughing and

started to blush furiously then I lean to his head and my lips met with his


When our lips met I felt a tingle go through my body and then I felt Joel's handsome go to my back and I placed my hand on his back, and then he pulled away, and we fell asleep cuddling and I have a feeling this will be one of my best nights sleeps