Pirate King

Chao was panicking a lot. Yitian wasn't answering anyone. And that was so out of character of him. So it made Chao worried a lot.

He was almost hyperventilating, and it was even worse when he saw a Yitian-looking-like figure on a balcony.

The figure was swaying from side to side and was dangerously near the balcony railing. Chao ran under the balcony and looked up.

His fear came true... The person dangerously leaning over the railing, almost falling down, was Yitian.


Yitian wasn't strong enough to go on like this. And he had a perfect solution for all of it. He looked at his watch and knew he still had plenty of time before others would come.

He got up from the bed; he fell onto and searched at the nearest convenience store. It was just a few minutes of walking, so he decided to take a slow walk. Maybe he would walk off his worries.

But even after he walked all the way there and back. His worries were still the same. He looked at the bags he was carrying, full of alcohol.