
Chao was scrolling down on his Instagram when he saw something really interesting. It was earrings. Two dragons when it was separated and wore as an earring, and when you pulled in together, it was a pendant.

"Cool," Chao whistled and Lei looked at him. They were both in the briefing room/dining room. They were supposed to have a meeting, but Lei got a call the minute Chao came in, so he started to play games on the phone.

"What is so cool?" Lei hung up the call and leaned toward Chao. He looked at the picture and raised his brow.

"How it became pendant?" he asked Chao, who read the description.

"Apparently it works on some magnets. Wow, this artist looks like someone who makes cool things." Chao opened the profile of the artist and fell in love.

The jewels she made were really fresh and wow. He was looking for something that he could buy for Yitian.

But wow. They could order the bunch as a reward for winning their first pro tournament. When they win.