
"He is getting better and better. I think he could wake up very soon," doctor Bai said, and when Chao heard it, he raised his head and his eyes lit up.

"Do you think so, doctor?" he asked with hope in his voice. But the doctor only frowned at him.

"Well, he is definitely looking better than you…" Chao chuckled. Normally, he would have been offended by such a remark, but now, the doctor was right.

He hadn't slept much those days. If he slept more than hours, his nightmares were coming back, reminding him of a forgiven past. 

He wasn't eating much either, or drinking. He was surviving only on the meals and drinks someone brought to him. But he wouldn't take something that was unpacked, fearing that they might have drugged him again. 

"But I'm not the patient here…" Chao said, even though he knew he would soon be if he didn't move from this chair he was sitting so long in.