Eruption of emotions

Yitian kept patting Chao's back and mumbling soothing words. They were like that for a while. Just until Yitian got a message. He pulled out the phone and read the message from Huobai.

"Can they come here too? Huobai and Yixing?" Yitian carefully asked before answering.

Chao pulled himself away from Yitian, but still remained close. His eyes were red and puffy from the crying, and his face had traces of tears. He wiped his face with the sleeves of his hoodie and nodded. Yitian wrote their location and didn't forget to remind them to be calm, quiet, and careful.

Soon after, the door swung open and Yixing with Huobai came inside. It took them a while to find Yitian and Chao, because of how dark the room was. But when the screen lit up with the next match, they were easy to spot, right on the floor before the first row of the seats.