
Yitian woke up earlier than usual because he felt cold. The body that usually warmed him up during the night disappeared. Again. As he did the past three days. 

Chao would wake up as soon as the sun rose up and disappear to play SoL, Yitian would always find him half-asleep, playing, with his stomach rumbling from hunger.

He got up from the bed, went to shower, and did basic things he needed to do in the morning, and then walked out from the main house to the guest house. He walked in and nobody except Chao was there.

Yitian just sighed and headed upstairs into the kitchen. Usually, it would be full of food, but because since Lili went home, Lei was eating with them in the main house, there were just some basic ingredients to cook from.

Yitian looked at the ingredients he took out and decided for pancakes. He had everything there, and he even found real maple syrup. It was sweet, and Chao needed that sugar for his brain to work.