
"Get your dirty hand off me," Chao uttered and brushed Yingjun's hand off. Everyone knew who this was, and everyone knew what his presence did to Chao, so they stood between the two of them as soon as he let his hand go.

"I see, you are unable to fight yourself, so you are guarded by those pathetic members of yours," he seized them up but stopped at Yitian and Huobai.

"Oh, well. Some of them are not pathetic, but quite pleasant to bed, huh?" Yingjun chuckles and Yixing's, Huobai's, and Chao's faces darkened. They were ready to fight. Zhu Long's team members had to hold them back because Yixing was already clenching his fist, ready to punch this guy in the face.

"Oh, that means you would take us to your bed?" Yitian decided to play a seducer and Chao's eyes flared up.