
"You idiot! You should have evaded it," Yitian exclaimed and pressed the ice pack on Chao's face. Chao hissed from pain and looked up at the fed up Yitian.

"But that would hit you," Chao answered and caressed the hand that was holding the bag up to his nose. 

He was bleeding and his nose hurt like hell, but thankfully it was still perfectly straight and not broken. Heck, he didn't know that the imbecile could throw such mean punches.

"Would it?" Yitian asked, surprised, and his pressure on the ice pack got a bit lighter, gentler.

"But you should have still avoided it!" he exclaimed, still pissed, and smacked Chao's shoulder. How could he go up on the stage tomorrow like this? With a cut on his nose and a torn lip. Did that jerk have a ring on his finger that he managed to cut his skin?

Chao hugged Yitian's hips and dragged him closer to where he was sitting. So close that he leaned his chin on Yitian's belly.