Final showdown

Chao was standing in front of the door to the stage and his palms were sweating for the first time. He had no idea why he was so anxious, this match was just an exhibition. It wasn't the finals of the World championship. 

"Why are you so fidgety?" Yixing patted Chao's shoulder and made him jump from the scare he got by it.

"Mmm, just thinking what will they think of us, if we lose this match," he said with his honest thoughts, not hiding anything. Yixing looked up at the ceiling and then back at Chao.

"Who knows, probably that we aren't good enough and we should forfeit from the league… you know the normal hating stuff." Yixing shrugged and looked totally unbothered by those thoughts.

"You don't care?" Chao asked, surprised, his brows shooting up. And Yixing chuckled. It was good that the other team members were either getting ready or already sitting among the audience.