
"This intense match has a really unexpected outcome! Zhu Long managed to deliver the biggest surprise this year!" One of the MCs finally shouted and the flickering light subsided, establishing a white light on the winning team.

They stood up and walked to the middle of the stage. Lan Bo was standing in front of them, and Wen Lin reached out to shake his hand with Jin Chao.

"Good game, I really enjoyed it. What a pity you weren't in the Asian games, maybe the outcome of the world championship would be totally different," Wen Lin smiled and earnestly shook Chao's hand. 

But Chao was too stunned to answer. He only nodded his head and flashed somewhat of a smile at Wen Lin and then shook his hand with another player that came next.

When they finished the handshake, the moderator came in and shoved the microphone into his hand, and expected a reaction.