Chapter 1 : the rumor of the underground waters

As they got into the cabin Yuki looked at Ren, Yuko, and Jhon and said, " what's this rumor you guys talk about?" Yuko looked at them and said " well first off no one has proven this to be true so all I know is what I heard but Ren knows more to be honest" as Ian looked at Yuko he said, " what's the rumor about ?" Ren looked to the others and then took a deep breath and said,

" there is a rumor of a creature that can be both underwater and on land but it is said that the creature is female and it is said that she was the first that Raven experimented on before the bav's" as Ian eyes widen and said " why does Raven like to experiment on people like us ?"

John looked at everyone and said " for power, she does it to see who will have more power" as they all looked around Yuko looked and said, " well I think we should go down there and free both Alice and this creature and fight back we have the numbers we can win!" Jhon eyes widen and said, " she has the upper hand she can control men and last time I check we have more males than females !"

Meanwhile down underwater Alice is locked in a cage and then she said, " Yuko will come for me !" Raven looked at Alice shoving her in the cage slapping on the chains onto her wrist and ankles and said " haha Yuko has never found this place and like hell if Ren give it up for he will bend to my will!" as Alice tried to break from the chains Raven said " don't worry Alice your not in here alone I'll have your new cellmate in here soon after she fights Yuko !"

Alice's eyes widen at Raven and said, "there are more people down here why do you live down here ?" Raven looked into Alice's eyes while she stopped in her tracks and said, " simple it's my home I'm one with water its as easy as that little powerful b.a.v I have high hopes for you down here." Raven then walks away and tears fall down Alice's face as she is helpless as Alice tries to fight the chains but then she heard screaming of a girl who yelled, " Raven stopped this and let me go !"

As a girl was thrown into the cage next to Alice the girl was then chained up girl who had chains all over her body and a shock caller as Alice looked to the girl she said " who are you?" the girl looked at Alice she had blonde hair and blue eyes her skin was pale her nails were a red color as she spoke she said " you must be Alice the b.a.v " Alice looked at the chain up girl and said "yes I am Alice but what's your name since there is no way out of here ?" the blonde hair girl then said "Saki, Saki Kima and there is a way out !"

Alice's eyes widen and pulled on her chains and said, " tell me Saki I need to get back to Yuko!!" as Raven came back she wacked saki's cage and said "shut up you filthy girl!" as Raven turned to Alice's cage and the stuck a poll into the cage and shocked her as Alice body shook she then passed out and Saki then said " was that even necessary to do that" Raven looked at Saki and said, "what do you feel sorry for? you're about to go after her lover ?" Saki looked at Raven and said, " why is destroying Yuko important?"

Raven looked at Saki and said, "because he rather be with her than serve me and be my king!"Saki looked at Raven with anger in her eyes and said, " why is any of this necessary to me, the b.a.v's, Yuko what does he want with any of us Raven!!" Raven looked at Saki and said, "it is my father's will to rule the mundane world and only have those of supernatural who are stronger and for me to have a king who will rule and take over both land and sea for all eternity!"

Saki looked at Raven and said with hate in her eyes " WHAT DID THE MUNDADES DO TO YOU AND KING ZEN !"Raven looked to Saki and with pain in her eyes and said, " when I was 5 years old my father and I got into a fight about my mother who was unfaithful so my father created a storm as I watched my father raised up the trident and created heavy winds and the sky turn black as night and the ocean waves got harsh as a ship came to him it was brown with a statue on it and they saw my father and the mundane's captured him and tormented him with chains and electricity for information on the sea and our kind and so I will get my revenge on them for hurting my father all those years ago!!"

Saki eyes widen and said, " so this is all for revenge over your father why can't you just find love in another being instead of tormenting Alice and making us fight Yuko?" Raven looked to saki and then to Alice who was opening her eyes and gripping unto her chains and said "w-why raven just let me go!!" Raven looked to saki and said "get ready saki you leave at dawn!"