Chapter 2: from sea to land

  At daybreak, Alice opened her eyes. Saki was eating spread, but handed over it to Alice. "Eat before she sees,and don't worry about Yuko. I'll come back for you, Alice," taking the offering from her,she bit down,gulping as she then said "thanks be safe and hurry back."

Then Raven looked between Alice and Saki before throwing her whip against the cage.Alice dropped, as the electric stick hit her making her pass-out. Then Raven looked to saki cage as she was chain up from head to toe and said " you ready my prized experiment?"

Saki looked to Alice and sighed.

"Let's get on with this!"  She growled in frustration.

As Raven opened Saki's cage, she quickly grabbed the chains on the young girl and dragged her out.

"Beat Yuko and you'll earn your freedom." Raven spoke to Saki who nodded.

" where while he be ? Yuko?"

Raven's expression changed, growing much darker.

"They will be in a manor on the hillside."

Taking in the information, Saki glanced around the room. Aside from one nymph who acted as backup for Raven the area was devoid of much activity. Saki looked back at the cages with prisoners and then at herself and spoke "okay"

As Raven unchained Saki, Raven spoke "well be on your way to kill him or bring him back with you to be my king." As Raven left Saki looked to the nymph and handed her a note and said " read that alone i hope you will join me, my friend."

The nymph nodded and spoke "well see what you have to offer .....Saki"

Saki nods and waves goodbye and swims out of the prison as she looked back she could feel a tear fall from her face. As the water cover around her, she whispers "Alice i will save you and the nymph from that hell!"

Meanwhile inside the prison the nymph opened the note as she looked at passed out Alice and the note read " join me and freeing Alice rose the strongest experiment that will defeat both Raven and king Zen." The nymph eyes widen and then saw Alice eyes open and she swam over to Alice and said " is it true. Your strong enough to defeat Raven and her father ?"

Alice looked up at the girl and smiled as she laid in the bottom of the cage and said "if i was out of here i could bring an army that could beat them but yes i am powerful to kill them both."  Then turning to the nymph, Alice spoke once more " what's your name?"

The nymph looked around and said " Mia stone and ill help you but you just have to trust me and Saki."

Meanwhile in the sea Saki swam faster and faster knowing her choice was going to endanger her life and save another as she reached the shore she looked back and said "sorry Raven."