Chapter 13: the guarded pathway

The next group looked at the map and Saki said " the hanging cell is straight away but be carful the cells over here are this area is heavily guarded by nymphs . Ian looked to Ren and said " and you wanted us to join your cause huh? Is this what you had in mind when you ask alice that ?"

Ren sighed and said " didn't we get passed that Ian ?" Ian griped Ren shirt and said " pasted yes but never forgotten !" John then yelled "guys stop fighting for its not going to save Alice !"

Iris sighed and said " thanks a lot boys we got company get ready" as the trio got their swords out pulling them out and ready for a fight Yuko pushed the others back and said " cover me okay I'm stronger than you are a vampire, a human and b.a v vampire so let me do my job!"

As the others nodded in agreement of what the plan was as and then looking to Ren, Yuko said " I'm going to need some blood to get my inner demons out ." Ren handed Yuko his arm and said " drink up and hurry there coming for us !" As Yuko sank his fangs into Ren he drank up and then, pulling out his eyes turned a dark red as blood dripped from his mouth.

Yuko handed Ian his sword and said " use this you might need the extra weapon" as the guards came yuko bite into one of the guards neck then ripping out the heart of the chest. Yuko the bit into the heart and said " yummy come at me with your hearts!" as the bodies dropped one by one yuko was enjoying the feast as the rest of the group let yuko at it and watched the nymph guards bodies drop.

then Yuko reached a empty corridor and said " okay guys its clear Alice is just behind these doors!"