Chapter 14:freeing alice

"Okay guys its clear Alice is just behind these doors!"said Yuko as the others walked down the walk way of bodies Saki said "wow thats a lot of blood and bodies is Alice that strong too ?"

Yuko looked to the door and said " lets save my love !" The team pushed the door open and a lit hallway lit up in flames and you could hear two voices screaming " help someone save us !!!" Yuko ran down the lit path as did the others trying to keep up with Yuko as they reach the cell.

Alice was face to face with Yuko only thing that was separating them was the bars of the cell Saki pulled out a key out of her hair and said " this should do the trick Yuko." Yuko takes the key and turns the lock and rushes to Alice and said " Alice my love I'm here !!" Mia looked to Saki and said " so how did you get that key ?"

Saki handed yuko another key and she took the same key from her hair and said " not that it matters but i made them when i was in prison when Alice had arrived here." As Saki unchained Mia looked to Yuko and Yuko unchained Alice as Alice fell into Yuko arms and then Yuko put a jacket over alice and handed her a sword and said "here you might need this."

Alice looked to the gang and Mia said " Ren, Alice wants to go to Raven's chambers can you take us ?"