Chapter 15 : heading to raven

Ren looked at the group and looked to Saki and saki held out the map and said " okay this is what we do this is the meet up point for the other group" as Ren pointed to the side chamber before the thrown and said " okay this is where raven will be in that room now if she has guards or not is unclear."

As they all looked at the map Alice then said " i get raven after all she did to me i want her head and heart in my mouth ." Yuko nods and said as he crest Alice's face "anything for you my love." As they walked the long corridor in silence Alice's eyes glew a gold color .

Mia looked to Alice and said "Alice are you okay?" Alice shook her head and. Said "what is this feeling i feel ?" Ren stopped as everyone stopped as well ren walked over to Alice and said " did Raven give you any blood ??" Alice nods her head saying " she injected me with the kings blood two blood bags full. "

Ren's eyes widen and said " Yuko wee need to get to Raven before Alice attacks you!" Yuko nods and said " yeah okay lets go everyone double time it !" As they all start running as fast as they could you could see a sight of blurs and then. Saki, Mia, and Ren as they slowed down as they started to transfer from running to walking Saki said " were close but I'm still worried about alice."

Alice smiled and said " there's no way I'd hurt my Yuko!" Yuko smiled and said " that's for sure !" Then Ren with a concern look spoke " I'm not so sure if you can be for sure about this but i do know Alice will find a way to get through it!" As Alice nods her head they walk some more down the empty corridor.

Then Ian said " its to quite don't you think?" Then Alice said " thats how she likes it putting you on needles is her specialty she likes to burn you literally." Then they continue to walk down the corridor and they reached the wooden doors and then Alice's eyes turned blood red and Alice turned to Yuko.

And gripped his neck saying "your mine to kill!"